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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Illustrated by Morgan La Casse

Plans to charge fee on plastic bags underway in Minneapolis

by Miguel Octavio
Published April 22, 2019
The Bring Your Own Bag Ordinance would require a 5 cent fee on paper and plastic bags.
Robert Blanchette, a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology, poses for a portrait on Wednesday, April 17 in his office in Stakman Hall on the St. Paul campus. Blanchette studies forest pathology and wood microbiology, which sparked an interest in mycology. His office is filled with a collection of preserved fungi.

‘Indiana Jones’ of fungi helps save Egyptian artifacts

by Jake Steinberg
Published April 22, 2019
Bob Blanchette has a distinct title: archaeological mycologist. His work guides the remains of a death god to immortality.
The Council of Graduate Students President-elect Tommy Keller.

Incoming graduate and professional student government presidents discuss goals

by Kait Ecker
Published April 22, 2019
The incoming presidents for the Council of Graduate Students and the Professional Student Government talk about their plans and initiatives.
Illustrated by Abby Adamski

UMN student organizations bridge the gap between their communities and cultures

by Gwiwon Jason Nam
Published April 22, 2019
The Asian-American Student Union and Black Student Union held their first discussion Friday to analyze cultures and stereotypes.
Veterinary graduate student Taylor Homann pets pigs during Agriculture Awareness Day on Northrop mall on April 16. Homann works closely with the University to prevent the spread of African swine.

UMN researchers organize against global pig virus

by Dylan Anderson
Published April 22, 2019
While African swine fever does not affect humans, potential spread may pose a significant threat to the domestic agriculture industry.
The University of Minnesota Law School is seen on Tuesday, June 5.

New map illustrates low income housing concentration

by Norah Kleven
Published April 22, 2019
The University of Minnesota's Law School released a neighborhood map Wednesday that tracks gentrification in cities across the U.S.
A light rail Green Line train crosses University Avenue in Minneapolis on Monday night. According to Metro Transit, there has been about $3 billion in development along the Green Line corridor since construction began in 2010.

Man dies after being run over by Green Line train in Stadium Village

by Dylan Anderson
Published April 20, 2019
The man fell from the platform as a train departed the station.
Aaron H. Doering

UMN professor pleads guilty to assault

by Mohamed Ibrahim
Published April 19, 2019
University of Minnesota professor Aaron Doering pleaded guilty to a domestic assault by strangulation felony charge on Thursday.
Mayor Jacob Frey speaks about sustainability and food justice during the Homegrown Minneapolis Community Food Forum on Wednesday, April 17 2019. Frey talked about access to affordable, locally grown food, utilizing community gardens and improving school lunches.

University researchers help shape citywide food action plan

by Emma Dill
Published April 19, 2019
The new policy will aim to make the Minneapolis food system more sustainable and equitable.
Illustrated by Abby Adamski

Amid regents’ accusations, some worry about distorted debate over building renaming

by Austen Macalus
Published April 18, 2019
Supporters of renaming four buildings on campus say that regents' allegations of academic dishonesty — and President Eric Kaler’s reserved response — have diverted attention from the main issue.

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