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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A medication drop box is seen inside the Boynton Pharmacy on Tuesday, Dec. 4. It serves as a no questions asked option for the disposal of prescription drugs and medications.

Boynton uses drug disposal box to prevent opioid abuse

by Lew Blank
Published December 6, 2018
A box installed at Boynton Pharmacy is collecting unused prescription drugs to prevent opioid addiction and environmental damage.

UMN student, professor combine efforts on environmental advocacy

by Austen Macalus
Published December 6, 2018
The duo, both members of Citizens Climate Lobby, are pushing for the University sign on to an initiative supporting carbon pricing.
Steven Fredericks (center), a post-doctoral associate in Professor Chris Hogan’s lab, manages most of the wind tunnel activities.

Recently donated wind tunnel to advance agriculture research at UMN

by Mohamed Ibrahim
Published December 6, 2018
Winfield United, a Land O'Lakes subsidiary, gave the wind tunnel to the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

University housing forum tackles 2040 plan

by Tiffany Bui
Published December 6, 2018
Panelists discussed the future of City housing policy and the 2040 plan.
Illustrated by Hailee Schievelbein

UMN Design Center lays out new options for homeless in Minneapolis

by Emma Dill
Published December 6, 2018
The tiny houses could pop up around the city next year.
A provost at the University of South Carolina, Joan Gabel is the sole finalist in the presidential search at the University of Minnesota.

University of Minnesota announces lone presidential finalist

by Katrina Pross
Published December 6, 2018
On Wednesday, the Board of Regents named Joan Gabel as the sole finalist for the University of Minnesota presidential position.
Minneapolis Police drive downtown on Tuesday, June 26.

UMN student hit by car on St. Paul campus

by Austen Macalus
Published December 5, 2018
A University of Minnesota student was struck by a vehicle near the intersection of Gortner and Buford avenues on the St. Paul campus last night.

Police responded to an assault at Dinkytown Wine and Spirits

by Niamh Coomey
Published December 5, 2018
Minneapolis and University of Minnesota police also responded to several auto-related incidents and thefts around campus.

Proposed federal rule would impact noncitizens, immigrants

by Michelle Griffith
Published December 4, 2018
A forum at Mondale Hall last week sought to inform students and others on the rule's effects.
The Cedar-Riverside neighborhood as seen on Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018.

West Bank vies for City recognition to preserve cultural significance

by Tiffany Bui
Published December 4, 2018
The City of Minneapolis is considering a new policy that would designate certain neighborhoods as "Cultural Districts."

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