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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Illustrated by Jane Borstad

Humphrey School readies officials for midterms, future elections

by Audrey Kennedy
Published October 29, 2018
Amid concerns with national security, the Humphrey School of Public Affairs plans to use national experts' voices to grow its election administration certification program.
Graduate researcher Trent Dado poses for a portrait holding a real, dried cow stomach on Friday, Oct. 26 at Haecker Hall on Saint Paul campus. Dado is working on research that uses enzymes to mimic cow stomachs with the goal of improving the animals' digestive systems.

Researchers use non-invasive method to study cow digestion

by Caitlin Anderson
Published October 29, 2018
The study, which began late September, aims to increase animal health.
A police car patrols University Avenue near TCF Bank Stadium on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.

UMN student robbed on West Bank

by J.D. Duggan
Published October 28, 2018
The student was assaulted and robbed by a group of attackers early Sunday morning.
Captain Mark Kelly, center left, engages in a round table conversation as part of Gabby Giffords,' center right, Courage to Fight Gun Violence Campaign at the Graduate Hotel on Friday, Oct. 26. 

Political candidates, activists discuss gun control

by Jordan Willauer
Published October 27, 2018
Several high-profile political candidates took to campus Friday with midterm elections approaching.

Korean fried chicken and poke restaurants opening in Dinkytown

by Imani Cruzen
Published October 25, 2018
Bonchon, a Korean fried chicken restaurant, will open in December alongside a new Japanese poke restaurant.
The Cedar-Riverside Opportunity Center as seen on Oct. 24, 2018. The Opportunity Center, which is now home to the city's small business team, will begin assisting residents once a month.

City looks to support Cedar-Riverside entrepreneurs

by J.D. Duggan
Published October 25, 2018
The Small Business Team will hold monthly meetings at the Cedar-Riverside Opportunity Center to help small business owners navigate City resources.

Presidential search interest in non-academic candidates raises concerns for some

by Helen Sabrowsky
Published October 25, 2018
Some say higher education institutions across the country are increasingly turning to nontraditional candidates.

Research Roundup: rural road fatalities and 3D stem cell research

by Nikki Pederson
Published October 25, 2018
In the top five areas of death, rural communities are more greatly affected than urban areas.

Gun violence is down, but City initiatives continue

by J.D. Duggan
Published October 25, 2018
Recent City Council presentations highlighted the work by many City departments stuff to curb violent crime and address social concerns.
Illustrated by Jane Borstad

Resources can sustain growing population, research shows

by Megan Palmer
Published October 25, 2018
A study shows that with some changes regarding sustainability, the planet has enough resources to support the growing population.

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