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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


New Fairview-UMN partnership to bring in $35 million in first year

by Helen Sabrowsky
Published October 1, 2018
Fairview Health Services will give the University of Minnesota Medical School $35 million in the first year of the partnership.
University President Eric Kaler answers questions from the Minnesota Daily on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 in his office at Morrill Hall. Kaler told the Daily his favorite part about the fall semester is watching Gopher football and volleyball games.

Kaler discusses letter to Greek life leaders, drafted pronoun policy

by Helen Sabrowsky
Published October 1, 2018
The Minnesota Daily interviewed University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler this week.
University Regent Darrin Rosha introduces the honorary doctorate as Tyka Nelson, sister of Prince, holds the diploma with President Eric Kaler at the ceremony for the Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters for Prince on Wednesday, Sept. 26. An honorary degree is the highest award conferred by the University of Minnesota, recognizing achievements that have added to the betterment of society.

UMN awards Prince honorary doctorate degree

by Michelle Griffith
Published September 28, 2018
Prince was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Wednesday night, which was also accompanied by music performances.
Architecture senior Belinda Xiong creates a cardboard model to represent a juvenile corrections facility at Rapson Hall on Monday, Sept. 24 on East Bank campus. Xiong and her class visited an adult correctional facility and a rehabilitation facility to learn firsthand how the spaces work.

UMN architecture students hope to redesign local juvenile rehab facilities

by Jordan Willauer
Published September 28, 2018
At the end of the semester, students in an architecture class at the University of Minnesota hope to send a report to Hennepin County.
Austin Kraft, student representative to the Board of Regents, spoke to the board at a listening session in Coffman Memorial Union on Monday, Sept. 24. Kraft said he thinks the next president should continue the positive work that President Kaler has done, but also to use it as an opportunity to improve on inclusiveness at the university.

Presidential search listening sessions see low turnout on Twin Cities campus

by Michelle Griffith
Published September 27, 2018
The sessions were a chance for the University community to express what it asks for the next University president.
Illustrated by Jane Borstad

UMN student group teaches improv to scientists

by Sunny Lim
Published September 27, 2018
Speaking Science Improv was formed this fall after receiving a grant from the University's Institute on the Environment.

Recent shootings don’t point to an increase in crime, officials say

by Emma Dill
Published September 27, 2018
The University of Minnesota area has seen three reported shootings in September.
University of Minnesota Regent Abdul Omari poses for a portrait on Monday, Sept. 24 on East Bank campus. Omari's regent seat will be up for election in 2019.

Regent Abdul Omari prepares to lead presidential search committee

by Helen Sabrowsky
Published September 27, 2018
Abdul Omari is a member of the University's Board of Regents and is chairing the Presidential Search Advisory Committee.

Research Roundup: Bike safety and city planning

by Nikki Pederson
Published September 27, 2018
University of Minnesota researchers published several studies this past month.
Construction employees work on the Marcy-Holmes General Mills renovation near St. Anthony Main in Minneapolis on Tuesday, Sept. 25. The renovation project is in its second construction phase.

General Mills development looks to enter phase two

by Imani Cruzen
Published September 27, 2018
Doran Companies presented an outline of the site's future development to the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood Monday.

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