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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Researcher Dongjie Chen begins the Intense Pulsed Light process which removes bacteria from powdered foods in the Food Science and Nutrition building on Tuesday, April 3.

University researchers develop bacteria-killing light

by Katrina Pross
Published April 5, 2018
The machine can kill over 99.99 percent of bacteria in powdered foods.
Sundal Hashwani reads stories from others sharing their experiences with diversity at the School of Public Heath.

Public health students call for more diversity in program

by Lew Blank
Published April 5, 2018
Over three days this week, students shared over 100 positive and negative stories about diversity in the School of Public Health.

Mice key to understanding the science of autism, UMN researchers say

by Wesley Hortenbach
Published April 4, 2018
University researchers hope mice will help them grasp the biology of autism.

UMN program hopes grant will support diverse students, communities

by Katrina Pross
Published April 4, 2018
The Heritage Studies and Public History graduate program was recently awarded $350,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Prospect Park encourages residents to ‘adopt’ their local storm drains

by Kassidy Tarala
Published April 4, 2018
The Prospect Park Association is pushing residents to clean neighborhood storm drains.
Dogs roam around Phi Sigma Kappa as they hold there second annual fundraising event for the Special Olympics on Sunday, Sept. 24.

Survey shows Greek students feel more connected to UMN than non-Greeks

by Eliana Schreiber
Published April 3, 2018
SERU survey data showed Greek students feeling a stronger affinity for the University than their non-Greek counterparts.
The Minneapolis Police Department responded to a call of a house burglary at Phi Sigma Kappa’s fraternity house early Saturday morning.

Burglary reported at University of Minnesota fraternity house

by Hannah Ovcharchyn
Published April 3, 2018
Multiple thefts and a burglary were reported near the University of Minnesota last week.
Junior Melissa Foster interacts with the dogs brought in from PAWS before her test in BIOL 1003 on Monday, April 2. She said that the dogs helped reduce her stress.

University professor researches therapy dogs’ effect on test anxiety

by David Mullen
Published April 3, 2018
PAWS partnered with the Cotner Lab to see if the presence of therapy animals would help students struggling with test anxiety.
Lil Yachty

Lil Yachty to perform at UMN’s Spring Jam

by Max Chao
Published April 2, 2018
Cashmere Cat and Ella Mai complete the lineup for the April 21 concert.
Senior Matic Spec, a native of Slovenia, poses for a portrait in his home on Saturday, March 24. Spec is the only student from Slovenia currently studying at the University of Minnesota.

UMN’s lone ambassadors: students reflect on being only one at school from country

by Lew Blank
Published April 2, 2018
At the University of Minnesota, 26 students are the only ones on campus from their countries of origin.

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