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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


MSA presidential candidates discuss campus priorities in election debate

by Kassidy Tarala
Published March 3, 2018
The debate came down to two sets of candidates after three other tickets dropped out of the race.
Apparel studies senior Emily Seifert circles around Apparel studies PhD candidate Nokyeon Kim to complete a 3D scan of her hand at McNeal Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018. The scanner, which runs off an iPad, makes a virtual 3D model of the subject to help create ideal uniforms for occupations like firefighting.

UMN researchers hope to improve female firefighters’ clothing

by Katrina Pross
Published March 2, 2018
Most firefighting gear is designed for men.
Biomass specimens sit in storage in the Ecology Building basement on Thursday, Mar. 1. Older specimens are routinely discarded when room becomes unavailable.

UMN researchers ask for specimen retention guidance

by Helen Sabrowsky
Published March 2, 2018
Leftover leaves and cabinets of rocks fill some University storage spaces.
University President Eric Kaler fields questions from the audience at his State of the University address in Coffman Union on March 2, 2017.

UMN President Eric Kaler talks free speech and sexual misconduct at 2018 State of the U

by Kelly Busche
Published March 2, 2018
Kaler gave his annual State of the University speech Thursday at Coffman Union.
Pedestrians walk through Dinkytown on Oct. 13, 2017.

MSA and OCL look to add more street lighting near Dinkytown

by Kassidy Tarala
Published March 1, 2018
The two groups will meet on March 8 to discuss the addition of low-level lighting in residential areas.
President of Students for Justice in Palestine Malak Shahin speaks about divestment efforts to a group at the La Raza Student Cultural Center in Coffman Union on Wednesday, Feb. 28 2018.

With over 600 signatures, UMN Divest referendum may reach ballot

by Max Chao
Published March 1, 2018
UMN Divest has gathered over the required number of signatures for a divestment referendum to be added to next week's ballot, despite complaints.
James Farnsworth leads a meeting of Gophers to Washington D.C. in Coffman Union, Tuesday Feb. 27. Farnsworth started a fundraiser and is raising money for UMN students to participate in March for our Lives in Washington DC on March 24.

Students organize to march against gun violence in Washington

by Max Chao
Published March 1, 2018
The students have raised more than $7,000 in under a week.
The sun sets on Riverside Park, Monday Feb. 26. Neighbors have opposed the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's decision to rename the park after one of the longest-serving board members, Annie Young, who passed away earlier this year.

Cedar-Riverside residents dispute renaming of neighborhood park

by Carter Blochwitz
Published March 1, 2018
Residents feel they weren’t consulted over the park board's renaming of Riverside Park.
University President Eric Kaler speaks to the House of Representatives' committee on higher education at the Minnesota State Office Building in St. Paul on Jan. 24, 2017.

Kaler presents infrastructure needs to House Capital Investment Committee

by Madeline Deninger
Published March 1, 2018
Kaler stressed the importance of the school's $238.5 million capital request to state lawmakers on Tuesday.

UMN research sheds light on gentrification concerns

by Wesley Hortenbach
Published February 28, 2018
Researchers conducted interviews with nearly 60 Twin Cities residents to better understand how they view neighborhood changes.

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