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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A recycling bin begins to overflow at Northstar Apartments on Sunday, Oct. 15

Minneapolis officials seek to cut waste in student housing complexes

by Kelly Busche
Published October 16, 2017
The effort is part of the City's Zero Waste Draft Plan.
Boynton Health, which renovated it's mental health clinic and moved it to the first floor, is seen on Monday, June 5.

Traffic increases 18 percent at Boynton mental health clinic

by Cleo Krejci
Published October 16, 2017
Due to changes this fall and a greater need for mental health services, new positions at Boynton Health attract more students.
University of Minnesota alumnus and third registered uesr to ever edit the text and photos of the UMN Wikipedia page, Mike Hicks, poses for portraits at Bruininks Hall on Sunday, Oct. 8. The text on the whiteboard represents some of the main topics that he has contributed to.

The new historians: ‘Wikipedians’ chronicle UMN

by David Clarey
Published October 16, 2017
With almost 5.5 million English articles, Wikipedia is the encyclopedia of today's tech-centered world. Minnesota users reflect on why they contribute.
Construction taking place at the new Athletes Village complex on Thursday, Oct. 12.

Fundraising and debt: How UMN is funding Athletes Village

by Kevin Beckman
Published October 16, 2017
With a projected cost of $166 million, and $106 million raised, the University of Minnesota is hoping fundraising can cover the total.
Ward 6 City Council candidate Mohamud Noor knocks on doors, speaking with Garrett Peterson outside his home on Saturday, Oct. 14 in Minneapolis. Peterson plans to vote for Noor in the upcoming election.

Warsame, Noor look to address progressive issues in Ward 6 race

by Madeline Deninger
Published October 16, 2017
Both candidates believe their backgrounds will help them win the West Bank city council seat on Nov. 7.

Board of Regents adopts new sexual harassment policy

by Allison Cramer
Published October 16, 2017
Additionally, the Board approved the University’s 2018 capital request for $238.5 million from the Minnesota Legislature.

Two Greek council advisors leave University

by Kayla Song
Published October 16, 2017
The two advisors are leaving the University by the end of October for other schools after two years of working with Greek councils.

Students robbed in two separate incidents Thursday

by Helen Sabrowsky
Published October 13, 2017
Authorities believe the same group of four male suspects are involved in both incidents.
Doctoral student in Environmental Health Science Yang Liu poses for a portrait in her office on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Liu took fourth place in the CDC's 2016-17 flu forecasting competition and is preparing for this year's contest.

UMN student places fourth in flu forecasting competition

by Sally Samaha
Published October 12, 2017
The student competed against 20 other teams from across the country.

Dinkytown Business Alliance faces declining participation

by Arianna Valenzuela-Zazueta
Published October 12, 2017
New and longtime Dinkytown business owners have mixed feelings about the business organization.

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