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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Walter F. Mondale Hall on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017.

Minneapolis mayoral hopefuls face off at UMN forum

by Max Chao
Published March 31, 2017
The Friday forum was hosted by the Law Democrats at the Law School.

UMN to pay outspoken former employee $65,000 in wrongful termination lawsuit

by Mike Hendrickson
Published March 31, 2017
Former employee Alysia Lajune claimed she was fired after she criticized University police for racial profiling.

Student leaders suggest improvements for UMN free speech policies

by Bella Dally-Steele
Published March 30, 2017
Students Representatives to the Board of Regents want a singular resource to learn about University-wide speech protections.
Nekima Levy-Pounds talks about her campaign for Minneapolis mayor at Mapps Coffee on Westbank on Friday, Mar. 24, 2017.

Nekima Levy-Pounds spotlights criminal justice reform in mayor bid

by Mike Hendrickson
Published March 30, 2017
The former NAACP president was a key figure in the aftermath of recent police shootings.
The Coalition to Increase Teachers of Color and American Indian Teachers in Minnesota is working to increase students' access to diverse teachers in the state.

Group seeks to double amount of nonwhite teachers in state

by Raju Chaduvula
Published March 30, 2017
A group of educators and UMN students wants to see a more diverse cohort of teachers statewide.
Protesters hold signs criticizing racially restrictive housing codes in Minneapolis in 1946.

New research explores history of housing discrimination in Minneapolis

by Cindy Simba
Published March 29, 2017
A team of researchers seeks to understand racial disparities in Minneapolis by examining the city’s housing deeds history.
Student body president, Abeer Syedah, talks during a beer with Abeer at Stub and Herb's on Friday March 24, 2017 in Minneapolis

‘A beer with Abeer’: An update on UMN student government

by Natalie Rademacher
Published March 29, 2017
The Minnesota Daily sat down with Minnesota Student Association President Abeer Syedah to chat about her remaining goals as president.
Students resume their day outside Anderson Hall on West Bank Monday late afternoon

Bill at Minn. Legislature could make PSEO classes more accessible

by Max Chao
Published March 29, 2017
Bills in the MN Leg look to bring in more high school student involvement in college courses, adding affordability
French junior Quin Klett and Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development junior Nick Malcore tally votes during the role-playing game "Reacting to the Past" in Gateways to French and Francophone Studies class in Peik Hall on Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Every student plays a historical role affiliated with the National Assembly during the French Revolution. "It's a fun way to learn and internalize information in a different manner," Klett said. "Course book readings go over your head but you have to know what you're talking about here."

UMN language departments report drop in student enrollment

by Rilyn Eischens
Published March 29, 2017
Faculty attribute declining number of majors to 2008 recession and current events.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, DFL-Minneapolis, speaks on Friday, Mar. 24 at Mondale Hall on West Bank.

Amid challenges, Rep. Ilhan Omar finds success as first-year lawmaker

by Ryan Faircloth
Published March 29, 2017
Rep. Ilhan Omar has balanced responsibilities and challenges in her first-year at the Capitol.

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