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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Cedar Riverside Youth Council member Kowsar Abdi, second from the right, supervises the chalk drawing station Monday outside the Brian Coyle Center. The CRYC organized the field day Monday as part of a week of events that for Youth Awareness Week.

Minneapolis police create new division for community outreach

by Raju Chaduvula
Published March 23, 2017
The division will take over existing community involvement programs.
Mona Minkara poses for a portrait in Kolthoff Hall on Tuesday, March 20, 2017. Minkara is the University's first blind, female, computational chemist. Her team created a STEM curriculum to integrate blind and seeing children's educations in third world countries.

Blind UMN chemist creates STEM curriculum for blind children

by Olivia Johnson
Published March 23, 2017
Mona Minkara is working to create a science curriculum for blind children.
Minnesota Student Association president and vice-president candidates make their opening statements at the MSA Debate in Coffman Memorial Union Theatre on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017.

After elections, Minnesota Student Association looks to ease tensions

by Natalie Rademacher
Published March 23, 2017
MSA president Abeer Syedah and this year's presidential candidates say the drama-filled elections were distracting from regular work.
Environmental science and management sophomore Claudia Althoen explains the Minnesota Student Association's organics initiative to student Paige Adams in Yudof Hall on Friday, March 10, 2017.

MSA eyes long-term goal of increasing UMN campus recycling

by Natalie Rademacher
Published March 23, 2017
MSA implemented a pilot organics recycling program in the residential hall over spring break.

Study shows Millennials are anxious about the topic of health insurance

by Cindy Simba
Published March 22, 2017
A Blue Cross/Blue Shield study reveals generational gap in knowledge of health insurance.
The current layout of clinics within the Phillips-Wangensteen Building is not conducive for the workflow of physicians, residents and nurses. The University of Minnesota Medical School, the University of Minnesota Physicians and Fairview will partner to fund a new site.

Risk of colon, rectal cancer increasing among college-aged people, study finds

by Olivia Johnson
Published March 22, 2017
A study released last week shows that people born near 1990 are twice as likely to have rectal cancer than people born around 1950.
Owner Abdirahman Kahin help prepare orders during a lunch rush on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016, the second to last day of being open at Afro Deli's West Bank location in Minneapolis.

UMN-area businesses look to prepare for $15 minimum wage

by Emun Solomon
Published March 22, 2017
Renewed debate over a minimum wage increase has business owners strategizing in case it passes

UMN launches new platform for human research applications

by Rilyn Eischens
Published March 22, 2017
University officials say the new system will streamline communication between researchers and IRB staffers.
Numerous organizations called on Sviggum to step down from his position on the board.

Newly-elected UMN regents look to strengthen relationship with Legislature

by Ryan Faircloth and Kevin Beckman
Published March 22, 2017
Ken Powell and Steve Sviggum may bring the University more stability and accountability, but some criticisms extend even to them
Gophers football players sit on the sidelines during a game at TCF Bank Stadium on Oct. 3, 2015.

Three Gophers football players win appeals in UMN sexual assault case

by Kevin Beckman
Published March 22, 2017
Provost Karen Hanson overturned a one-year suspension for Mark Williams and upheld a panel's February decision to not sanction Kobe McCrary and Antoine Winfield Jr.

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