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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The current layout of clinics within the Phillips-Wangensteen Building is not conducive for the workflow of physicians, residents and nurses. The University of Minnesota Medical School, the University of Minnesota Physicians and Fairview will partner to fund a new site.

New legislation could grant more funding for UMN clinical training

by Max Chao
Published March 8, 2017
The state Legislature may approve a number of clinical training grants worth up to $300,000 over three years.
Students resume their day outside Anderson Hall on West Bank Monday late afternoon

After four years, employees say OHR is recognizing job reclassification concerns

by Rilyn Eischens
Published March 7, 2017
About 1,600 positions were reclassified through 2013-2015, causing outcry over benefits and other resulting changes.
A view of the Alpha Chi Omega house at the University of Minnesota from Oct. 2016.

UMN sorority will now extend membership to transgender women

by Olivia Johnson
Published March 7, 2017
Alpha Chi Omega is the first sorority to allow transgender women to join its chapters.
University Mechanical engineering sophomore Evan Humphreys explains the how new waterjet cutter works in one of the Anderson Innovation Labs on Thursday, Mar. 2, 2017. The three new labs, built in Fall of 2016, provide College of Science and Engineering students with the latest equipment to materialize their ideas.

UMN opens new 10,000 square feet, state-of-the-art engineering labs

by Neha Panigrahy
Published March 6, 2017
The new labs cost $2 million and are now open to University students.
A lone student treks across the pedestrian mall in subzero temperatures while school was closed Jan. 27.

UMN officials trying to fix gap between white, black student graduation

by Raju Chaduvula
Published March 6, 2017
The University has a 23.8 graduation gap between white and black students. according to a new study.
The University of Minnesota has seen an uptick in bias responses since the presidential election.

UMN sees increase in bias-related incidents on campus

by Rilyn Eischens
Published March 6, 2017
About 20 percent of all reports to the University’s bias response team occured in February.
University President Eric Kaler fields questions from the audience at his State of the University address in Coffman Memorial Union on Thursday, March 2, 2017.

Administrative cuts at UMN are growing difficult to make, officials say

by Kevin Beckman
Published March 6, 2017
President Kaler’s “Operational Excellence” plan has reduced spending by $68.5 million, but the last third of the goal could be most challenging.
Boynton Health Chief Medical Officer Gary Christenson gives an update on student mental health to the Board of Regents Academic and Student Affairs Committee at the McNamara Alumni Center on Feb. 10, 2017.

Some students say mental health resources lag at UMN coordinate campuses

by Olivia Johnson
Published March 6, 2017
Student-leaders presented their concerns about resources to the Board of Regents last month.

Stresses of added workloads show as U admins near goal for funding cuts

by Kevin Beckman
Published March 6, 2017
Most of the over $60 million that has been moved from administrative costs to academics since 2011 has targeted employees.
The new University of Minnesota Police Department squad car.

Crime: Person robbed near Williamson Hall on UMN campus

by Mike Hendrickson
Published March 6, 2017
The robbery occurred at 8:45 p.m. on Saturday.

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