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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Students resume their day outside Anderson Hall on West Bank Monday late afternoon

New education secretary worries some UMN educators, students

by Cindy Simba
Published February 28, 2017
Devos’ plan for teacher training concerns some at the University.
The new University of Minnesota Police Department squad car.

University of Minnesota Police add mental health officer

by Mike Hendrickson
Published February 28, 2017
The cop will join the force at the end of the fiscal year.
A member of the Golden Gopher Spirit Squad during the 2016 Homecoming game at TCF Bank Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016.

UMN homecoming court will use gender-inclusive titles instead of ‘king’ and ‘queen’

by Max Chao
Published February 28, 2017
More traditionally-gendered "king" and "queen" titles of past years will be replaced with "royals," the school announced Monday.

UMN Cryptocurrency Club discusses alternative banking trends

by Samir Ferdowsi
Published February 27, 2017
The Cryptocurrency Club was founded one year ago and is focused on building enthusiasm and providing education on this alternate monetary form.
Northrop Auditorium at the University of Minnesota on April 5, 2015.

UMN committee pushes for student record privacy

by Rilyn Eischens
Published February 27, 2017
The University has never requested mental health records without student consent, but some are pushing make them private.
The current layout of clinics within the Phillips-Wangensteen Building is not conducive for the workflow of physicians, residents and nurses. The University of Minnesota Medical School, the University of Minnesota Physicians and Fairview will partner to fund a new site.

New UMN research shows new ways to detect autism in babies

by Olivia Johnson
Published February 27, 2017
A 10-year study published last week was co-authored by two University professors and found that brain scans can detect autism earlier.
Andrea Jenkins, a former Minneapolis City Council policy aide and Transgender Oral History Project curator, poses for a portrait outside Blegen Hall on the West Bank on June 2, 2016.

UMN archivist could be Minneapolis’ first transgender council member

by Raju Chaduvula
Published February 27, 2017
Andrea Jenkins is running for the Eighth Ward’s seat.
Shannon Farrell, a University staff member, works with Kathy Shipp, center, and Maria Fitzgerald, left, during the DataRescue event on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017 at the Humphrey School  School of Public Affairs.

UMN joins nationwide effort to archive public data

by Raj Chaduvula
Published February 27, 2017
Data Refuge helps save data that can be important for research and lawmaking.
Joshua Reece and Sabrina Toth are two candidates from the University of Minnesota for the Hennepin County advisory board. Reece and Toth pose for photos at Northrop Auditorium on East Bank on Feb. 24 and 25, 2017.

Hennepin County to add UMN students to advisory board

by Bella Dally-Steele
Published February 27, 2017
The students would serve two-year terms and be the youngest on the 30-member board.
Employee of tenKsolar, Dwayne Blakely, moves solar panels onto a module light table for testing on Jan. 25, 2016. The University of Minnesota will be installing solar panels in an effort to make progress on a climate action plan.

Bill in Legislature could extinguish state’s solar incentive program

by Ryan Faircloth
Published February 27, 2017
A bill passed by the Minnesota House would dismantle the Made in Minnesota solar incentive program.

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