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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler fields questions from the Minnesota Daily on Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 in his Morrill Hall office.

Pres. Kaler talks football boycott, Title IX and bonding requests

by Kevin Beckman
Published February 2, 2017
The first Kickin' It With Kaler of 2017 also addressed President Donald Trump's immigration order.
University Ph.D. student Saeed Hashemi poses for a portrait inside the Mechanical Engineering Building on East Bank on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017. Hashemi is from Iran, one of the countries affected by President Trump's recent executive order on immigration.

‘I cannot feel welcome here’: Trump’s immigration ban causes unease for UMN international students

by Rilyn Eischens
Published February 2, 2017
A little over 100 University students called one of the affected countries home in 2013, according to most recent available enrollment data.
Newly appointed Gophers football coach P.J. Fleck meets with the media on Friday, Jan. 6, 2017 at TCF Bank Stadium.

More training for UMN football team necessary to combat sexual assault, admins say

by Ryan Faircloth
Published February 2, 2017
Administrators are considering more training for Gophers football players to teach affirmative consent and sexual assault prevention.
The Sportsology exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul lets kids compare a video of their sports skills side by side with professional athletes like U of M volleyball player Paige Tapp on Friday, Jan. 27, 2017.

At Science Museum exhibit, Gophers athletes take center stage

by Olivia Johnson
Published February 1, 2017
Slow motion videos of Gophers lets museum attendees see how they match up.
A screenshot of Umbra search, is a University-led digital archive that houses African American historical materials.

UMN-led site makes African American historical materials more accessible

by Raju Chaduvula
Published February 1, 2017
The site aggregates digitized archives relating to African American history.
President Eric Kaler delivers his State of the University address at Coffman Union Theater on Thursday, March 7, 2016.

MN senators question Pres. Kaler on athletics, med school rankings

by Mike Hendrickson
Published February 1, 2017
The Senate Hearing Tuesday also addressed the topic of out-of-state tuition hikes and PJ Fleck's contract.
Minneapolis Police Officers block traffic to protest protesters outside of the Minneapolis American Indian Center on East Franklin Avenue on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017.

With campus-area protests, increased coordination between UMPD and MPD

by Mike Hendrickson
Published February 1, 2017
The election has caused an uptick in involvement between the University and Minneapolis departments.
Iraqi refugees Hawra Albattat and Saja Alnabi march through downtown Minneapolis to protest President Donald Trump's immigration ban on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017. "We can't go home and see our family now," Albattat said.

5,000 protesters decry Trump immigration order in downtown Minneapolis

by Max Chao
Published February 1, 2017
Demonstrators gathered at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Minneapolis Tuesday evening.

Changes to FAFSA apps lead to slowdown for UMN, other colleges

by Rilyn Eischens
Published January 31, 2017
Financial aid administrators say the problem is largely under control.
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New student apartment complex uses virtual reality to market units

by Andrew Heiser
Published January 31, 2017
Construction on CPM’s newest Marcy-Holmes property will finish this summer.

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