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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Kaler unveils plan to retain low-income students

by Meghan Holden
Published January 16, 2014
The initiative, presented at a White House event Thursday, is meant to improve first-year retention rates.

City Council passes $1.1 billion 2014 budget

by Alexi Gusso
Published December 12, 2013
The proposed budget was amended Wednesday to provide funds for additional surveillance in the University's area.

Voices needed in Prospect Park planning

Published December 4, 2013
Prospect Park residents should get engaged in plans for the neighborhood next year.

Experts weigh risks of genetically altered bugs

by Katelyn Faulks
Published December 4, 2013
A University study explored the potential effects of modifying insects to suppress disease.
Left Blong Yang, and right Abdi Warsame

Yang and Warsame join City Council

by Jessica Lee
Published November 27, 2013
Following the 2013 city election, the Minnesota Daily is running a series profiling new City Council members. Beginning in January, Blong Yang and Abdi Warsame will represent City Council wards 5 and 6, respectively.

U transplants first breathing lung in the Midwest

by Katelyn Faulks
Published November 25, 2013
The University could use the new breathing device for heart transplants in the future.

COGS to split from GAPSA this summer

by Kyle Stowe
Published November 22, 2013

Come July 1, the University of Minnesota’s Council of Graduate Students will sever formal affiliation with the Graduate and Professional Student Association. COGS voted 34-1 with four abstentions...

Students could be left out of toxin tests

by Kia Farhang
Published November 13, 2013
Como property owners must agree to have their buildings tested.
Established in 1958 by the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, the Landscape Arboretum is the largest public garden in the Upper Midwest. It displays gardens, woods, prairies and plant collections.

A worldwide footprint

by Hailey Colwell
Published November 12, 2013
The University system owns land for various uses across the state, nation and world.

Como residents warned of potential harmful vapor

by Kia Farhang
Published November 7, 2013
The Minnesota Department of Health sent letters warning about the potentially harmful soil vapor.

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