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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Cheney addresses business issues in Lake Elmo, Minn.

by Jared Roddy
Published September 30, 2004
Vice President Dick Cheney campaigned in Minnesota on Wednesday, where he addressed an array of topics.

Public uninformed on Iraq

by Kari Petrie
Published September 30, 2004

As one of the top issues in the upcoming presidential election, it seems everyone has an opinion on the United States' involvement in Iraq. The issue of Iraq will be a part of the foreign-policy debate...

Bush twins stump for dad

by Kari Petrie
Published September 24, 2004

Family commitment and a desire to see their dad win another election brought President George W. Bush's twin daughters Thursday to St. Paul, the two said. Jenna Bush and Barbara Bush, both 22, spoke to...

Smoking ban to have impact on local businesses

by Emily Kaiser
Published September 23, 2004

For University students such as Niki Korth, visiting a coffee shop on campus for coffee and a smoke is routine. "It's part of the incentive to come here," said Korth, while smoking and sipping coffee at...

Bush campaigns in Minnesota again

by Hayley Odom
Published September 17, 2004

College student Nathan Ellering went to see President George W. Bush speak yesterday as an undecided voter. By the end of the president's speech, his decision was made. "I'll vote for him," the Dakota...

Gov. sticks to tax policy

by Stephanie Kudrle
Published September 16, 2004

Tax season isn't until April, but students might already be paying their taxes in the form of higher tuition rates. With a legislature that didn't approve funding for state agencies and a governor who...

Kerry’s daughter stumps for her father

by Kari Petrie
Published September 13, 2004
Vanessa Kerry urged youth election participation at Coffman Union on Saturday.

Kerry says students could get tuition for community service

by Kari Petrie
Published September 7, 2004

In exchange for two years of community service, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry said the government will pay for four years of in-state public college tuition if he is elected. The Massachusetts...

Daily poll finds students support Kerry, Edwards

by Stephanie Kudrle
Published September 7, 2004

According to respondents of a recent poll conducted by The Minnesota Daily, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., should be the country's next president. The survey found that if the presidential election were held...

Edwards offers his vision of the future

by Kari Petrie
Published September 7, 2004

Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards said there is a need to create more jobs and provide adequate health care Monday at a rally on Harriet Island. Edwards spoke to a crowd of 12,000...

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