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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


In the woods, another U facility

by Geoffrey Ziezulewicz
Published April 22, 2004

TUSCON, Ariz. - Fifty miles west of Mount Graham and its Large Binocular Telescope, on the other side of Coronado National Forest, sits another telescope the University uses. The University has owned the...

Mountain is part of Apache spirituality

by Kari Petrie
Published April 22, 2004

SAN CARLOS, Ariz. - Passing among them a staff with a small stone and a feather attached to it, young Apaches ran up Mount Graham in the annual spirit run last July. Running is a large part of the history...

Activist teaches Apaches their traditional culture

by Kari Petrie
Published April 22, 2004

SAN CARLOS, Ariz. - Apache spiritual leader Wendsler Nosie said he went to the mountain to pray. His daughter was preparing for her Sunrise Dance ceremony, which commemorated her entrance into womanhood....

All sides put value on environment

by Geoffrey Ziezulewicz
Published April 22, 2004

SEditor's note: Today's reports conclude a two-part series on the Mount Graham telescope project, which the University voted to join in October 2002. AFFORD, Ariz. - The Swift Trail, which leads to the...

Telescope sits high as cultural divide runs deep

by Kari Petrie
Published April 21, 2004
Apache tribe members consider the mount graham site holy.

A mirror with a view

by Geoffrey Ziezulewicz
Published April 21, 2004
Mount graham's telescope is the first of a new generation.

Telescope is an opportunity and a controversy

Published April 21, 2004
U officials are anxious for sky time at Mount Graham.

Lawmakers back stronger same-sex marriage ban

Published November 21, 2003
The proposal would write the current prohibition into the state constitution.

A secret history: The fiction of Bruno Schulz

Published August 26, 2002

runo Schulz was a contemporary of Franz Kafka (he authored a translation of The Trial) and was likewise from Poland, and his slight literary output - confined to two collections of short stories and a...

Insta-tainment: the decline of modern cinema

Published August 26, 2002

By Roxanne Sadovsky The other day, some friends and I rented the 1973 classic "American Graffiti." As I recall, this film was a favorite among youth who pondered various existential crises upon crossing...

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