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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Elizabeth Kresal and Richcard Nielseu shop at Seward’s Co-Op on Monday. Kresel mentioned she is trying to start a garden in her community to save money on produce costs.

Economy has mixed effects on area grocery stores

by Andrew Johnson
Published March 10, 2011
Nontraditional grocery store models are finding success despite rising prices.

Two U professors indicted for fraud in Georgia

by Luke Feuerherm
Published March 9, 2011
The Georgia Attorney General has charged the husband-and-wife for receiving payments from both the University of Minnesota and Georgia Tech.

Obama says no defense for DOMA

by Sarah Nienaber
Published February 28, 2011
Students, others react to Obama’s decision on the marriage act.

Walker seeks to split UW colleges

by Jessica Van Berkel
Published February 28, 2011
The proposed bill would make UW-Madison a “public authority.”
Radio announcer Mark Wheat for the current sits in his office Tuesday afternoon in the MPR building in St. Paul.

Federal cuts threaten public radio and television budgets

by Ashley Aram
Published February 24, 2011
Congress may pull $430 million from public broadcasting to tackle the nation’s deficit.

Solving a university deficit: a work of art

by Graison Hensley Chapman
Published February 16, 2011
Some colleges are contemplating selling artwork to plug budget holes.
First year computer science student Derek Anderson plays computer games on Monday in his dorm room. The the U.S. army is currently looking to use the research to advance training for soldiers by using the teamwork aspect of MMORPG games to improve communication and work towards a common goal.

From EverQuest to Afghanistan: Army, U teach teamwork

by Frank
Published January 26, 2011
Researchers questioned University grad student Kyong Shim when she said she wanted to study video games — until the U.S. Army came calling.

MSA plans D.C. trip to lobby for federal funding

by Cali Owings
Published January 26, 2011
At least seven University of Minnesota students will take part in “Big Ten on the Hill Day” late this March.
Sports and alcohol: a risky cocktail

Sports and alcohol: a risky cocktail

by Frank
Published January 18, 2011
A U study shows that 8 percent of Americans leave pro sporting events legally drunk.
Shaun Kennedy, Director of the National Center for Food Protection and Defense (NCFPD), a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence, is a leader in national food safety and food defense research.  Research and food security education takes place within the Andrew Boss Lab of Meat Science on the St. Paul Campus.

U helps prepare for food attacks

by Ashley Bray
Published December 13, 2010
A U department addresses the vulnerability of U.S. food production.

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