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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A pouch of K2 – A popular variety of synthetic marijuana – contains a mix of herbs sprayed with JWH-018, a chemical that mimics the active ingredient in marijuana.

State senator aims to propose synthetic weed bill as soon as January

by Kyle Potter
Published July 28, 2010
Use of synthetic marijuana has skyrocketed nationwide in the past two years.

Students to protest Ariz. law enaction

by Miranda Taylor
Published July 28, 2010
The students will travel to Arizona and meet with immigrant rights organization Puente Arizona to participate in the Arizona Freedom Summer.

Researchers work to fill biofuel gap

by Ashley Bray
Published July 28, 2010
The University’s Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering is working to develop sustainable, domestic biomass solutions.
Protesters speak out against the possibility of the Democratic National Convention coming to Minneapolis in 2012 on Sunday at Target Field.

DNC committee quietly visits Mpls

by Danielle Nordine
Published July 21, 2010
City officials don’t want to reveal plan details to the other three finalist cities.

Apple offers free cases for iPhone 4 problems

by Kyle Potter
Published July 21, 2010
The cases will combat what is called the “death grip” problem.
14 June 2010- Los Angeles, CA - The crowd wears 3-D glasses to view the video game "Crysis 3D" during the Electronic Arts E3 2010 Press Conference held at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles, California. Photo Credit: Krista Kennell/EA/Sipa Press.
/EAE3presser2010.014/1006150806 (Sipa via AP Images)

3-D: How it works, why it hurts

by Kyle Potter
Published July 14, 2010
3-D technology will soon be available for television, cell phones and gaming.

More H.S. transcripts omit class rank

by Miranda Taylor
Published July 7, 2010
In high-performing districts, rank is not always a meaningful measure of success.
U must gear up for life after stimulus

U must gear up for life after stimulus

by Luke Feuerherm
Published June 30, 2010
With $89.3 million in funds from the federal stimulus bill allocated to the University, tuition hikes and layoffs have been reduced ... for now.

U students win 2010 Acara Challenge

by Ashley Bray
Published June 30, 2010
The Bioserv business plan focuses on bringing clean energy to rural India.

Nebraska receives Big 10 scholastic perks

by Luke Feuerherm
Published June 23, 2010
In the coming years, University of Minnesota students be able to share in the research and take classes offered by the University of Nebraska.

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