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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Despite progress, females still face political challenges

by Andrew Pritchard
Published October 1, 2002

In 2000, Minnesota voters elected the state's first female member of Congress in the nearly 50 years since the Fargo Forum's headline brought Democratic Rep. Coya Knutson's career to an end. "We've made...

Cheney: Iraq a problem for entire world

Published October 1, 2002

L By Josh Hardin Rocky Mountain Collegian Colorado State University ARAMIE, Wyo., Sept. 30 -Iraq is not just a problem for America, it's a problem for the entire world, Vice President Dick Cheney said...

Bush says Congress agreement at hand

Published October 1, 2002

C By Jennifer Loven University Daily Texas Tech University RAWFORD, Sept. 30 - President George W. Bush said Saturday he expects Congress to pass a resolution authorizing force against Iraq so that "we...

Faculty inks anti-war petition

by Elizabeth Dunbar
Published September 30, 2002

In an effort to show disapproval of President George W. Bush's plan to attack Iraq, a group of University faculty presented a petition to Democratic Sen. Paul Wellstone's office Friday denouncing an Iraqi...

Fall election battle sends campaign cash to Minnesota

by Libby George
Published September 27, 2002

It was a busy week for President George W. Bush. Amid his campaign for action in Iraq, Bush made time for five party fund-raisers this week, bringing his total number of events to nearly 60 and pulling...

Complex machinery of polls show tight fall races

by Andrew Pritchard
Published September 27, 2002

A flurry of recent polls shows Minnesota's gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races are too close to predict, with just over a month remaining for candidates to rally voters. The most recent survey results...

Wellstone responds to Coleman legal challenge

Published September 27, 2002

DBy Andrew Pritchard and Libby George emocratic U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone's lawyers responded Thursday to a legal challenge made by Republican Norm Coleman's Senate campaign Tuesday. Coleman's campaign...

Green Party’s Nader urges citizen education at fund-raiser

by Libby George
Published September 26, 2002

Falling rain didn't deter more than 200 Green Party supporters and candidates from turning up to see 2000 presidential candidate and party leader Ralph Nader on Wednesday morning. Nader's appearance was...

Some lawmakers fret about Iraq resolution’s scope

by Libby George
Published September 25, 2002

The last time a war powers resolution was granted to a President Bush, it gave him powers to use "all appropriate diplomatic and other peaceful means," to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. But President...

Financial aid, tax credits perform essential role in student finances

by Andrew Pritchard
Published September 25, 2002

A recent General Accounting Office report on education tax credits does not signal a crisis in financial aid for low-income students, Kristine Wright, interim student finance director, said on Tuesday. "This...

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