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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Ellison speaks on consumer injustice

by Jake Grovum
Published June 13, 2007

Elected as part of the Democratic Congressional takeover in 2006, Keith Ellison has been making news ever since. Given the open-forum format of Monday's "Connecting with Government" event at the Humphrey...

U affects Chinese ‘brain drain’ trends

by Jake Grovum
Published June 13, 2007

Estimated to have the largest population of Chinese students on any campus in North America, the University has a specific role in China's "brain drain." The fleeing of human capital from a country or...

McCollum’s new bill seeks to solve murder

by Mitch Anderson
Published June 6, 2007
The bill will aid in unravelling alumnus Joshua Haglund's mysterious death.

University College Bowl team wins title

by Jake Grovum
Published May 30, 2007

While many students prepared for final exams, the University's College Bowl team won a national championship. The University of Southern California hosted the College Bowl National Championship in Los...

Korean-Americans talk about intergenerational relationships, differences

by Marni Ginther
Published May 30, 2007

Over Memorial Day weekend, many remembered the men and women serving in Iraq. But a Minneapolis art exhibit has been paying tribute to stories of the Korean War for the past several months. "I never realized,...

Internet-based broadcasting faces rising royalty rates

by Jake Grovum
Published May 30, 2007
Webcasters may soon have to pay the same rates as commercial radio stations.

Premarital sex unlikely to lead to depression, study says

by Kelly Gulbrandson
Published May 30, 2007
For years, abstinence-only supporters have assumed early sex did lead to depression.

Students camp out to raise concern for Ugandan civil wars

by Justin Horwath
Published April 30, 2007
Thousands rallied behind Soldier Field in Chicago, sleeping in replicated refugee-camp conditions.

NCAA prohibits texting

by Mitch Anderson
Published April 30, 2007
The NCAA Division I Board of Directors banned coaches from text messaging recruits.

Roots affect student lives

by Kathryn Nelson
Published April 25, 2007

For some students, staying connected to their heritage while in college and establishing their own identity can be a difficult task. Three students with diverse African backgrounds shared their stories...

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