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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Wave hits Semester At Sea cruise ship

Published February 8, 2005
Four University students were on board the ship when the 50-foot wave hit.

Bush aims to cut Perkins Loans

by Cati Vanden Breul
Published February 8, 2005
Bush's proposalmust pass through Congress before going into effect.

Pakistan and south Asia’s stability

Published February 3, 2005
India, the United States and really the entire world have much to gain from securing a stable future for Pakistan and other nearby states.

Bush proposes Social Security change

by Naomi Scott
Published February 3, 2005
College Republicans members met at Stub & Herbs to watch the speech.

U.S. dollar hits all-time low compared with the euro

by Lacey Crisp
Published February 3, 2005

University student Paul Ruder said he has a lot of memories and pictures to remind him of his semester in Ireland, but for now, he also has bills. The U.S. dollar is at an all-time low compared to the...

Tuberculosis halts Hmong immigration

by Jason Juno
Published February 1, 2005
U.S. officials said they are not sure when the Hmong will resume immigrating.

Turnout in Iraqi elections exceeds some predictions

by Lacey Crisp
Published February 1, 2005

Although the results are not in yet, many consider the Iraqi elections a success. Ragui Assaad, a Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs professor, said the election's results will be known in the next 10...

Study finds financedstem cell lines are useless

by Naomi Scott
Published February 1, 2005

All lines of human embryonic stem cells approved for research by the federal government are useless for medical treatments, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine. Embryonic...

Bush expected to cut TRiO funding

by Cati Vanden Breul
Published February 1, 2005

When he was in ninth grade, Dan Jackson became one of thousands of students across the country to join a TRiO Program. TRiO Programs are funded by the government to help middle school and high school students...

Tsunami victims still in thoughts one month later

Published January 31, 2005

Approximately 30 University community members honored the one-month anniversary of the Asia tsunamis Saturday in the dimly lit terrace of the St. Paul Student Center. Organized by the India Association...

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