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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Texan kills burglars despite 911 plea

Published November 27, 2007
The shooting of two burglars might test Texas' self-defense laws.

Cruise ship sinking near Antarctica raises concerns over tourism

Published November 27, 2007

>PUNTA ARENAS, Chile (AP) - A cruise ship takes on water in the Antarctic and three more come quickly to the rescue: A blessing for the survivors, to be sure. But also an indication of a tourism boom...

Death of 2 French teenagers sparks chaos reminiscent of 2005 riots

Published November 27, 2007

.VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France (AP) - Rampaging youths threw Molotov cocktails and torched dozens of cars in troubled neighborhoods outside Paris in a second night of street violence Monday after two teenagers...

Report suggests prison reforms needed

by Emma Carew
Published November 27, 2007
The United States jails 737 of every 100,000 people, the highest rate in the world.

Mexico earmarks $4.6 million for butterfly reserve in bid to boost tourism

Published November 26, 2007

;CERRO PRIETO, Mexico (AP) - President Felipe Calderón unveiled a sweeping plan Sunday to curb logging and protect millions of monarch butterflies that migrate to the mountains of central Mexico...

Hillary Clinton mocks Obama

Published November 21, 2007

>SHENANDOAH, Iowa (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton ridiculed Democratic rival Barack Obama on Tuesday for his contention that living abroad as a child helped give him a better understanding of the foreign...

Guatemala leaves U.S. adopters in limbo

Published November 21, 2007
Thousands of Americans are trying to adopt through Guatemala's changing system.

Scientists find fossil of what once was the world’s biggest bug

Published November 21, 2007

>LONDON (AP) - This was a bug you couldn't swat and definitely couldn't step on. British scientists have stumbled across a fossilized claw, part of an ancient sea scorpion, that is of such large proportion...

Man pays child support with money from his online prostitution ring

Published November 21, 2007

.EVERETT, Wash. (AP) - A man who owes seven women more than $70,000 for child support apparently made some payments using proceeds from an Internet-based prostitution ring he ran, investigators say. According...

Congo declares massive nature reserve for endangered bonobos

Published November 21, 2007

.KINSHASA, Congo (AP) - Congo is setting aside more than 11,000 square miles of rain forest to help protect the endangered bonobo, a great ape that is the most closely related to humans and is found only...

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