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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


For first time, Putin publicly commemorates victims of Stalin era’s Great Purge

Published October 31, 2007

.MOSCOW (AP) - President Vladimir Putin warned Tuesday against political ideas that are "placed above basic values" as he for the first time joined public commemorations on the 70th anniversary of mass...

North Korea agrees to receive half of aid in equipment under nuclear deal

Published October 31, 2007

>PANMUNJOM, Korea (AP) - North Korea agreed Tuesday to accept half of the economic aid it has been promised for disabling its nuclear reactor in energy-related equipment and other materials, a South...

Chad charges 6 French charity workers with kidnapping over efforts to fly children from Africa

Published October 31, 2007
The case could impede aid efforts for hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Motorcyclist accused in Princess Diana’s death

Published October 31, 2007

>LONDON (AP) - Lawyers at the inquest into Princess Diana's death attacked testimony from a motorcyclist hired to drive a photographer that day, accusing him of telling "self-serving lies" about their...

Meat-packing method questioned

Published October 31, 2007

;WASHINGTON (AP) - Minnesota companies Cargill Inc. and Hormel Foods Corp. told the House Agriculture Committee Tuesday that their practice of packaging meat in carbon monoxide was safe, while consumer...

Network shoots for equality in coverage

by Jake Grovum
Published October 31, 2007
In the next three years, the Big Ten Network plans to televise the same number of men's and women's events.

U.S. Navy helps crew of ship hijacked in Somalia

Published October 31, 2007
The U.S. Navy also battled pirates to gain control of a hijacked Japanese tanker.

Atlanta aquarium empties exhibits during drought

Published October 31, 2007

.ATLANTA (AP) - With drought conditions intensifying across the Southeast, efforts to conserve water are popping up everywhere - even at the aquarium. In the name of conservation, the Georgia Aquarium,...

Mafia ex-girlfriend says FBI used mob muscle in 1964 civil rights case

Published October 30, 2007
The FBI has never acknowledged it used mob man Gregory Scarpa.

Pope urges against sale of “immoral” drugs

Published October 30, 2007

.VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI urged Catholic pharmacists on Monday to use conscientious objection to avoid dispensing drugs with "immoral purposes such as, for example, abortion or euthanasia." In...

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