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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Experts set to examine cause of collapse

by Karlee Weinmann
Published August 8, 2007

As the devastation of the Interstate 35W bridge collapse - which came in both human and capital forms - mounts, many around the world are asking the obvious question: How could this happen? A group of...

Couch surfing: the new wave of travel

by Marni Ginther
Published August 1, 2007

;University students are traveling more than ever. The number of study-abroad students has more than doubled since 1998, according to Learning Abroad Center statistics. As travel becomes more commonplace...

Questions shower Ethiopian ex-leader

by Jake Grovum
Published August 1, 2007
Ethiopian students probed Dr. Negasso Gidada's dealings with the Oromos, a local ethnic group.

Author discusses adoption and abortion issues

by Diane White
Published July 18, 2007

Emotions dispersed through the crowd in the Elmer L. Andersen Library on Friday as Ann Fessler's work brought many back to the realities of their own lives. Birth parents, adopted adults and others involved...

Evacuation program gets federal funding

by Kelly Gulbrandson
Published July 18, 2007
Shashi Shekhar is trying to make his program available to large companies.

Cambodian students bless temple

by Jake Grovum
Published July 11, 2007

Situated in the rural lands of Hampton, Minn., the golden spires of the Watt Munisotaram Temple stood out against a sun-soaked backdrop of blue sky and green prairie Saturday. The temple held an open house...

Immigrants aided in path to citizenship

by Marni Ginther
Published July 11, 2007

Pop quiz: Which states were the 13 original colonies? Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death?" Which constitutional amendments address voting rights? Those are three of the 99 questions immigrants...

Far from home, but not without hope

by Marni Ginther
Published June 27, 2007
Performers shared their cultures through music, dance and storytelling.

Military kids unprepared, face difficulties

by Marni Ginther
Published June 27, 2007
Operation: Military Kids helps children whose parents are serving abroad.

University displays Sudanese refugee art

Published June 20, 2007
'Art from the Lost Boys of Sudan' showcases the atrocities of genocide.

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