Every time my family from outside of Minnesota visits the Twin Cities, we agree on the same thing: our highways are terrible.All the interchanges are massive monstrosities that confuse drivers and...
On a whim, I picked the clarinet at the school music fair in fourth grade, and for the next eight years, I was a part of my school’s band programs.In middle school, I stayed in band class so I wasn’t...
Had Vice President Kamala Harris won the presidential election, she would have entered office 105 years after women won the right to vote. Alas, the journey from the ballot box to the oval office continues. Twice...
While Astrology is often met with a degree of snark for its lack of scientific backing, young people are flocking toward it now more than ever. Astrology has a certain staying power. It may have lost...
I’ve just gotten back from class and the world is weighing heavy on my shoulders. Thoughts of classes, my dating life and the state of our nation following the presidential election are swirling in dark...
Many people cringe upon hearing the word “email.” It often represents the worst parts of bureaucracy — cold, formal, painfully orderly and inevitably passive-aggressive.This stereotype is misguided....
Like many early 2000s kids, I was often told that snacking between meals was frowned upon growing up. We were to eat during our allotted three meals a day, and anything other than this was considered...
It’s been an eventful week. To lighten the mood, let’s recap the notable moments over this election season and see if you’ve been tuning in or taking care of your mental health.Who won the presidential...
Our current system of partisan politics is a sick joke at the expense of the American people, and it's gone on for far too long.Politics are not meant to be amusing, and our conflation of entertainment...
For many of us, myself included, the past week was a difficult one. Beyond the initial disappointment and uncertainty of election night, I wondered: Where do we go from here?As tempting as it may be...