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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Ababiy: No more ads on official University emails

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published January 29, 2018
The University should end its practice of allowing ads on official emails.

Venkata: The media’s vital art of privacy

by Uma Venkata
Published January 25, 2018
It is common courtesy to never blur the line between tragic news and entertainment.

Ababiy: Has the career center reached out to you?

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published January 22, 2018
A new report indicates that many students don't use their career centers.

Venkata: Put the fun in mutual funds

by Uma Venkata
Published January 18, 2018
Affordable, frequent investments early provide substantial payouts in the future.

Ababiy: Let’s be proactive about opioids

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published January 16, 2018
The University has the ability to protect the lives of its students.

Ababiy: Stop scholarship displacement at the University of Minnesota

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published December 7, 2017
The University should allow students to pursue alternative financial aid without hindering already granted scholarships.

Ababiy: Your laptop is annoying and bad for everyone

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 30, 2017
Laptop usage in class has been shown to make you and your classmates get lower grades.

Ababiy: The GOP tax bill is dangerous for higher education

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 24, 2017
The GOP tax bill makes pursuing an education financially impossible for many.

Ababiy: The University must shape the state’s technological future

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 16, 2017

The University of Minnesota has a unique educational monopoly on the state. Unlike states of similar size like Colorado, Oregon and South Carolina, the University is the state’s sole high-activity research...

Ababiy: Stop big money from influencing local elections

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 2, 2017
Voters should ignore false rhetoric of wealthy PACs and vote for a genuine candidate.

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