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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


McCain a weak Republican front-runner

Published February 7, 2008
After Super Tuesday, McCain is still feeling pressure from his competitors.

North sideliving isbeing revitalized

Published February 7, 2008
Fearmongering about the area misses the real spirit of the community.

No need for nukes

Published February 7, 2008
Should Minnesota look into nuclear energy as a source of clean energy?

Required reading should be affordable

Published February 6, 2008
Textbook prices have followed the same upward trend as tuition.

North side a place for both home and family

Published February 6, 2008
North Minneapolis is dynamic, diverse, full of recreation and close to downtown.

Obama’s ‘change’ message substantive

by Chelsey Perkins
Published February 5, 2008
The people do have the power to make real change happen, and not just depend on elected officials for change.

A disgraceful ending

Published February 4, 2008
At the end of Saturday night's hockey game against the Souix, our student section littered the ice with trash.

Clinton and Obama: Their pasts, our future

by Jason Stahl
Published February 4, 2008
We must turn to the candidates' pasts for insight as to how they will operate in the future as president.

Who’s afraid of the big bad economy?

Published February 4, 2008
Politicians, facing public outcry, are guilty of endorsing short-term solutions to a long-term problem.

Don’t all stampede at once

by John Hoff
Published February 4, 2008
The north side needs a "first wave" of home buyers who see lack of security as a thrilling challenge.

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