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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Bonding bill plan shorts education

Published January 30, 2008
Funding for bridges shouldn't take away from higher education.

Curiosity neccesary to understand race

Published January 29, 2008
The world would be a better place if we could ask about race without fear of being branded a racist.

Bad news isn’t good news

Published January 29, 2008
Coverage of the presidential race should be about issues, not snide remarks.

Pawlenty works to clear the air

Published January 29, 2008
The legislature and Gov. Tim Pawlenty should continue to push clean energy legislation.

Iraqis depend on American voters

by Alex Essington
Published January 28, 2008
President George W. Bush's rhetoric about the troop search has done little to solve problems in Iraq.

Critical Mass turns the tables on injustice

by John Hoff
Published January 28, 2008
A handful of citizens refuse to surrender not only their freedom of expression, but yours and mine as well.

Minnesota caucus, Feb. 5

Published January 28, 2008
The state will select presidential and U.S. Senate candidates next Tuesday.

‘Green’ is in – and always has been

Published January 28, 2008
We can all be proud that the University was green before it became fashionable and has set an example for others to follow.

Encouraging smoke-free campus debate

Published January 28, 2008
Legislation for smoke-free air serves in the best interest of the 96 percent of students who aren't daily smokers.

Network deal hurts fan base

Published January 25, 2008
The University's deal with the Big Ten Network fails to meet fans' expectations.

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