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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Reinforcing the ‘Bond’ between us

by Adri Mehra
Published December 13, 2006
New James Bond film 'Casino Royale' makes a good case for the next British invasion.

Save Darfur, let it be a call to your conscience

Published December 11, 2006
I was asked numeroustimes throughout the day, "What/Who is Darfur?"

A day which will live in infamy

Published December 11, 2006
We are hardly unique among humanity when it comes to committing horrible acts.

Commission of the wrong

by Jason Stahl
Published December 11, 2006
Why did the Iraq Study Group not include any anti-war voices?

U.S. must continue support for Africans

Published December 11, 2006
There needs to be a drastic increase in funding from the U.S. and better dissemination of institutional programs.

Roads and Transit tie the knot

Published December 11, 2006
We're proud of you, Roads. We're proud that you finally did right by Transit.

Army recruiters tell deadly lies

by John Hoff
Published December 11, 2006
Soldiers are put at risk of dying in combat, but did not really volunteer for the job they are doing.

Re-establishing human kindness

by Kate Nelson
Published December 8, 2006
What a bizarre world we live in where we judge other humans who are surviving by collecting the scraps.

State needs to replace Senator Coleman

Published December 8, 2006
His representation of our state in Washington is shameful.

A need to put people’s interests first

Published December 7, 2006
Israel has made concession after concession in the name of peace.

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