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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Bush, Yudhoyono and the power to listen

Published November 20, 2006
Despite strong diplomatic and economic ties, relations between the U.S. and Indonesia are strained.

Tasing incident should stir anger

Published November 20, 2006
Stop romanticizing the alleged fairness of the bureaucracies we live under.

A liberal ‘Coming Out Day’ at the U

Published November 20, 2006
What we really need is a vision which undermines corporate conservatism at the University.

Somali bread makes a lefse substitute

Published November 20, 2006
DurDur cookies taste like my Norwegian grandmother's sugar cookies.

This week, get to know your neighbor

Published November 17, 2006
Neighborliness establishes dialogue, reduces crime and builds communities.

Striving toward something different

by Kate Nelson
Published November 17, 2006
While the idea of success can help drive you toward your dreams, it can also drive you mad.

Why Hatch was not elected

by Jason Stahl
Published November 16, 2006
There are two reasons for Hatch's loss: Hatch's campaign and Democratic Huntchinson voters.

The eye behind the video camera

by John Komarek
Published November 16, 2006
You can get your news-video fix online, because the A/V Department posts videos three times a week.

China and the new protectionists

by Darren Bernard
Published November 16, 2006
If it walks, talks and smells like a protectionist, will it act like one too?

Keep it local this Thanksgiving

by Holly Lahd
Published November 16, 2006
This year, try adding local foods to your Thanksgiving menu.

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