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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The government is shooting the students

by Adri Mehra
Published October 4, 2006
The time to be shocked has long since passed.

What is Driven to Discover?

Published October 3, 2006

The signs are popping up everywhere. "What is my dog thinking? Will we ever find a cure for AIDS? Where will the penguins go when the icebergs melt?" What does all of this mean? The University has branded...

Break out those Homer Hankies

Published October 3, 2006

In early June, the prospect of the Minnesota Twins winning the American League Central Division seemed as unlikely as the defending world champion Chicago White Sox missing the playoffs. And for good reason:...

Expanding the right to detain and torture

Published October 2, 2006
In a hasty attempt to win elections, Congress takes a jab at the Constitution.

The Democrats and their McCain problem

by Jason Stahl
Published October 2, 2006
Democrats need to give up their infatuation with Sen. John McCain before it's too late.

Bike helmets are sexy

by John Hoff
Published October 2, 2006
Life with part of your cerebral cortex missing is, however, not sexy at all.

Daily partakes in smear campaign

Published October 2, 2006
Setting the record straight: Alan Fine never attacked race or religion.

The Bush administration has taken over the nation

Published October 2, 2006
The refusal of most of the media to take on the neocons has contributed to the demise of democracy.

Lack of bylines hurts credibility

Published October 2, 2006
Star Tribune reporters have removed their bylines from a series on ethanol.

Insulting, sexist ads in Daily must go

Published September 29, 2006
Women are significant reading material; acknowledge our presence.

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