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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Athletics corporations are the answer

Published November 10, 2005
Public funds should be put toward academics. Athletics can fend for itself.

What’s behind your lunch? Part II

by John Hoff
Published November 10, 2005
From scrapes with federal authorities, to cigarette price fixing, to "Ninny the Torch," Aramark serves up a buffet of controversy.

Films about the past shine light on the present

Published November 10, 2005
The lasting and compelling theme of "Capote" and "Good Night, and Good Luck" is a search for truth.

Res Wars: Changing habits for tomorrow

Published November 10, 2005
Students must help to actively conserve energy in the residence halls.

Students a minority at Clinton’s lecture

Published November 9, 2005
Many considered themselves lucky to get into the event Saturday night.

What’s behind your lunch? Part I

by John Hoff
Published November 9, 2005
What is a company with a history like that of Aramark doing running our campus dining service?

Think first before giving birth

by Jason Ketola
Published November 9, 2005
We feel like we have an unquestionable right to have children in America, but we need to carefully consider the consequences.

From words to action

Published November 9, 2005
College students turned up in dissapointing numbers at the anti-war protest.

Still stereotyping the Arab and Muslim world

Published November 9, 2005
The Star Tribune's role in manufacturing representations of the world relies on old stereotypes.

Not everyone falls under their front

Published November 9, 2005
Saying a small group of people can speak for a whole movement is ridiculous.

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