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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Understanding Islamic culture

Published April 5, 2005
Many people have little contact with Islamic culture, causing widespread ignorance.

Union needed for better jobs, better pay

Published April 5, 2005
Improvements in graduate employee pay and quality of life will benefit everyone at the University.

Catholics, world lose a leader

Published April 4, 2005
In a divided world, Pope John Paul II transcended differences with grace.

Illegal downloading hurts many

Published April 4, 2005
Few students would condone walking into Sam Goody and nabbing their favorite CDs.

Graduate assistants have no need for a union

Published April 4, 2005
Realistically, I can't imagine how the University can show greater appreciation for assistants.

Making dogmas out of human precepts without enough basis

Published April 4, 2005
Facts, research and the work of past scholars, all in context, are necessary for a healthy debate.

File sharing is not the problem

Published April 4, 2005
Conglomerates should try to profit from technology, instead of preserving old business models.

An impetus to spend on K-12 education

Published April 4, 2005
According to a recent survey, Minnesotans feel their schools are not sufficiently funded.

Why conservatives dislike the French

Published April 4, 2005
The French have a tendency to point out the hypocrisy of U.S. political rhetoric.

Generational lessons on the green

Published April 1, 2005
Golf and grandparents require a significant degree of patience and attention.

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