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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A chance at a better life through education

Published February 9, 2005
Education is the cornerstone of preventing crime and instilling societal responsibility.

Ignorance and hate on campus

Published February 9, 2005
The University community needs to deal with the disturbing trend of bigotry on campus.

Human males are an endangered species

by Pat Mahomes,
Published February 9, 2005
Could the ever-approaching demise of the Y chromosome explain metrosexuals?

Turningthe voucher argumenton its head

Published February 8, 2005
We must find new and innovative ways to im-prove public schools, before it's too late.

Gambling witha people’s future

Published February 8, 2005
Pawlenty's plan might be popular, but it will also harm the American Indian community.

First things first in helping Darfur

Published February 8, 2005
Any action directed at the situation in Sudan should focus on ending the ongoing violence.

Give me one bar, with smoke and a beer

Published February 8, 2005
The smoking ban offends bar and restaurant owners' econ-omic interests and freedom.

Union would be good for RAs, too

Published February 7, 2005
Like teaching assis-tants, research assis-tants are paid less here than elsewhere.

Radio K and its huge library are vital to the University

Published February 7, 2005
The Daily's editorial gave too much credence to a press release as to the size of The Current's music library.

Paying tribute or playing politics?

Published February 7, 2005
Those who seek to honor late President Ronald Reagan could learn from their hero.

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