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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Strike buttons remind us to appreciate all University workers

Published October 28, 2003

Wanna button?" You may have been asked this question recently if you spend any time interacting with striking clerical workers. Something struck me as I looked at my button the other day and saw them proliferate...

Freedom fighters or terrorists?

Published October 28, 2003

President George W. Bush has labeled the Tamils of Sri Lanka as terrorists - without knowing the real causes of the war in Sri Lanka. Fighting for freedom during civil war does not mean people are terrorists. Sri...

Fine column not helpful to Israeli-Palestinian discussion

Published October 28, 2003

I want to respond to the Oct. 16 column "Israeli people are tired of death" by Omri Fine, which was biased and ignorant. Fine began by saying Palestinians have made no steps toward peace. Anyone who has...

Student group’s lawsuit is about the right of association

Published October 27, 2003

What would happen if an animal rights student group was mandated by the University to allow hunters to be a part of the organization, even run for office and vote in their group's elections? What if a...

Reflections one year after Wellstone’s death

Published October 27, 2003

APolitics is not about power. Politics is not about money. Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning. Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of...

More to the clerical union’s strike than numbers and money

by John Troyer
Published October 27, 2003

One of the problems with writing about labor strikes is the cloud of numbers produced while describing the situation. Numbers, in their sublime and terrifying efficiency, can both numb the senses and obscure...

Skies will not be so clear under Bush initiative

Published October 23, 2003

In September, President George W. Bush introduced his "Clear Skies" initiative to Congress for discussion over the next six months in an attempt to get an environmental bill he can point to as an accomplishment. But...

Importing drugs from Canada hurts R & D

Published October 23, 2003

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has launched an aggressive campaign to lower prescription drug costs in Minnesota by importing drugs from our northern neighbor, Canada. He announced plans to investigate the...

Drug importation push is a positive step

Published October 23, 2003

Contrary to what our democratic presidential hopefuls tell us, at no point in the near future will we see any form of federal health-care reform. To achieve any objective on this front there must be a...

‘Schwarzeneggerian politics’

Published October 21, 2003

What began as an unfunny joke in a bad Sylvester Stallone movie (1993's "Demolition Man") turned out to be a grim prophecy: Arnold Schwarzenegger really did get elected to public office after all. Pop-culture...

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