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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


How to price words and things

by Joel Helfrich
Published February 26, 2003

In 1988, a group of investors including Pat Riley, then-head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, filed papers with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to register the sports word "three-peat" under...

Budget cuts won’t destroy the DNR

Published February 26, 2003

IBy Gene Merriam n these tough budget times, it is tempting to focus only on those things we are losing: the things we can no longer afford. It is important to pause and remember, however, that we still...

International protests lack anti-American sentiment

Published February 24, 2003

MBy David Jack Norton VALLADOLID, Spain adrid's streets throbbed with throngs of marchers Saturday evening, intent on changing their government's support for U.S. policy against Iraq. In cities around...

Letters to the editor

Published February 20, 2003

YBusse should be applauded My daughter is a sophomore at the University and she shared Nick Busse's Tuesday opinion piece, "Antiwar movement lacks unity, coherence" with me. I applaud Busse for his comments...

More guns do not necessarily mean more crime

by Anthony Sanders
Published February 20, 2003

Some of the most important facts in life are counterintuitive. Just because something doesn't "make sense" on first glance doesn't mean it's crazy. Often after meditating on a counterintuitive proposition,...

People measure worth in time

by Steven Snyder
Published February 19, 2003

Does life keep getting busier with each passing year? If so, I think I'm in for a bumpy ride. I already feel like I'm running 30 different directions at once, spread far too thin over far too much. I am...

Antiwar movement lacks unity, coherence

Published February 18, 2003

ABy Nick Busse ttending a good protest is like taking a trip to the zoo - except smellier and hairier. But in the case of last Thursday's antiwar demonstration here on campus, the animals' bark is worse...

Political labels lack meaning

by Emily Johns
Published February 17, 2003

ABy Mike Jones n "unabashed liberal." A "staunch conservative." The grass is always greener on your side. The world would be a much better place if the other side would open their eyes to reality. Of course,...

Protesters prove unconvincing at rally

Published February 17, 2003

IBy Elizabeth Hutter ndeed the dozens of protesters at Thursday afternoon's War on Iraq demonstration were passionate about their cause and showed great dedication to their mission of stopping President...

A love letter from the United States to the world

Published February 14, 2003

DBy John Tribbett ear world, it's me, the United States, on Valentine's Day. I should be giving you a message of hope and love. I should say, "World, I love you so much, I will work to give you peace,...

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