While many of the consequences of COVID-19 have been highly publicized and much discussed, one in particular has flown under the radar: the decision’s impact on the 2020 Census count of University students.
Yes, we’re all in this together, though what we know this really means is that, as a student body and paying customer, we aren’t looked at as a coalition with the autonomy to have a seat at the decision-making table.
We’re paying for more than a degree; we’re paying for the on-campus experience. If we cannot safely be on campus, we should not have to pay full tuition.
All faculty have the training and tools to keep students learning with outstanding equipment and instructional engagement, regardless of the course of the pandemic and the modality in which classes will be delivered.
While I am not accusing all police of being corrupt, the current system set in place by the Minneapolis Park Board is one that can be readily abused by police officers that have bad intentions or implicit biases.