California and Texas are often portrayed as opposites, yet they share one similarity: both states experienced massive population surges in 2015, causing them to dominate the country.With many changes...
As a student of color, I have often felt an added pressure to be the one to broach issues of diversity and equity. It can feel like it is my responsibility to speak up, my responsibility to lead the...
Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this editorial do not represent the Minnesota Daily’s newsroom and are not necessarily representative of any individual on the Opinions Desk. This piece has been...
When they pass out our graduation tassels at freshman year orientation, they also say, “We will see you back here in four years.” That is not the case for a lot of students.According to NBC,...
For many travelers, a destination without name recognition is not worth visiting.I have written off countless small towns as boring without seeing their downtowns. Americans often deem entire states...
Celebrities turning into politicians is a familiar concept to the American public. The most notable example for many is former reality TV star turned president, Donald Trump, President Ronald Reagan, and...
The UMN Center for Writing has a lofty mission statement: “Encourages the development of writers and the use of writing as a tool for critical thinking, learning and communicating in all fields;...
I have seen many women lose themselves in a relationship, and frankly, it makes me sad.There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship, but it is disheartening when women stop hanging out with...
As far as government institutions go, libraries may be the least offensive. Libraries provide free books, information, internet access, and shared space to question, learn or simply exist. Public...
Every building of a certain age has at least one ghost story attributed to it.Humans can’t help but craft stories of ghosts and demons, labeling every old building as “haunted,” no matter how...