CECI HEINEN: Hello everyone! This is Ceci Heinen. OWEN MCDONNELL: And Owen McDonnell with the Minnesota Daily. BOTH: And you are listening to In The Know, a podcast dedicated to...
KAYLIE SIROVY: Hello, everyone. My name is Kaylie Sirovy, your host from the Minnesota Daily. Right now, you're listening to In The Know, a podcast dedicated to the University of Minnesota. And today...
ALEX LASSITER: Hello, lovely people! It’s Alex Lassiter with the Minnesota Daily, and you’re listening to In The Know, a podcast dedicated to the University of Minnesota.Welp, it’s that time...
 ALEX KARWOWSKI: How's it going, everyone? And welcome back to The Gold Standard, where we bring you the latest on all things Minnesota sports. I'm Alex Karwowski alongside Andrew Cornelius, and...
Editor's Note: Sue asked her full name not be shared due to concerns surrounding her religion and details about the protest. SAMANTHA SIEDOW: Hi everyone, my name is Samantha Siedow. I am a staff...
EITAN SCHOENBERG: Hey everyone, it's Eitan Schoenberg. I'm here with Emmett Laurent with Minnesota Daily and you're listening to the Gold Standard podcast where we talk about all things sports. EMMETT...
CECI HEINEN: Hello everyone! This is Ceci Heinen with The Minnesota Daily and welcome back to In The Know, a podcast dedicated to the University of Minnesota. As some of you may know, this past...
ALEX KARWOWSKI: How's it going, everyone? And welcome back to The Gold Standard where we bring you the latest on all things Minnesota sports. I'm Alex Karwowski alongside Champ Howard. And Champ, like,...
ALEX LASSITER: Hello, lovely people! It’s Alex Lassiter with the Minnesota Daily, and you’re listening to In The Know, a podcast dedicated to the University of Minnesota.As some of you may...
 EITAN SCHOENBERG: Hello everyone. My name is Eitan Schoenberg, I'm here with Andrew Cornelius and we're here with The Gold Standard podcast where we talk about everything Gopher sports. So we'll...