The Prospect Park Association (PPA) held its last meeting Monday before the holiday season where members gave updates on renters’ rights representation, the Witch’s Hat Tower construction and more. Some...
Provost Rachel Croson announced she will not return to the University of Minnesota for summer 2025 in a systemwide email Monday. This decision approaches Croson’s five-year anniversary as Executive...
The Minneapolis City Council voted 7-5 Tuesday on a resolution urging the University, Hennepin County and city attorneys not to pursue charges against those arrested during the Oct. 21 student protest. Pro-Palestine...
Walking the same path as former University of Minnesota student Bob Dylan, actor Timothée Chalamet visited sites in Dinkytown and around the campus Thursday ahead of the premiere of his Dylan biographical...
With the upcoming state legislature session looming, University of Minnesota officials are preparing their budget requests in hopes that more money can go toward improving student services and infrastructure...
The University of Minnesota installed temporary chain link fencing across its Washington Avenue Bridge on Nov. 22 to prevent suicides.The bridge connects the University’s east and west bank campuses...
Several Comstock residents have reached out to FOX 9 reporters regarding multiple rooms that have been experiencing heating issues. FOX 9 reported the problems arose from air trapped in the system when...
The Minnesota Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified multiple E. coli outbreaks linked with carrots and ground beef.Over 500 cases of various E. coli have been...
State Sen. Omar Fateh kicked off his mayoral campaign Monday at city hall where he attacked Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s tenure.Fateh said under Frey, it has become “harder to build our lives”...
The University of Minnesota and its Graduate Labor Union (GLU) reached a tentative contract agreement on Friday with proposed changes to benefit GLU members. GLU members will be voting from Dec. 2...