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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak talks about his involvement at the University Thursday in his office at City Hall in Downtown Minneapolis.  Rybak was first elected to the mayor's office in 2001.

Representing the student bloc: R. T. Rybak

by Dina Elrashidy
Published November 16, 2011
Rybak works to engage University students to increase voter participation.

Blarney bouncer fights off 2 drunks Sunday

by Kaitlin Walker
Published November 16, 2011
One of the fight suspects was maced and then arrested.

MSA votes to stand against occupancy ordinance

by Jenna Wilcox
Published November 16, 2011
City regulations say that no more than three unrelated people can live in a single-family home.
7-year-old Isabella Konat looks at a Driven to Discover advertisement that caught her eye Tuesday in the baggage claim area at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in St. Paul.

With budget trimmed, U stays Driven to Discover

by Greta Kaul
Published November 16, 2011
The campaign has been sliced by more than half since 2006.

City Council, fire department butt heads on $1 million overtime pay

by Nick Sudheimer
Published November 15, 2011
The council is considering stricter sick day policies or hiring back laid-off firefighters to counter issues with overtime pay.

Breast cancer group tests canned foods for BPA

by James Nord
Published November 15, 2011
Bisphenol A is a potentially toxic chemical used in food packaging.
Kinesiology graduate student Tanksi Clairmont  dances during a Pow Wow Saturday in Minneapolis convention center.

American Indian traditions create a ‘culture for success’

by Amanda Bankston
Published November 14, 2011
Hundreds gathered Saturday night for a powwow at the Convention Center.

New Groupon-esque website offers liquor deals

by Megan Nicolai
Published November 14, 2011
The site includes multiple savings for local stores.

Students research Cedar-Riverside

by Anissa Stocks
Published November 14, 2011
Graduate students have partnered with the neighborhood for five years.
Senior apparel design student Lizzie Hillman tailors her garment Wednesday at McNeal Hall in St. Paul.

Design School confidential

by Sally Hedberg
Published November 10, 2011
The students of the University of Minnesota work toward their ultimate runway goal.

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