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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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The Fashionista is in – Spring Beauty

by Kara Nesvig
Published March 30, 2010
Essentials for updating your makeup bag.
William Deitner is the CEO of TKDA, a St. Paul-based engineering and architecture firm that has cultivated a portfolio of national highways, structures and airports.

Local firm establishes scholarship

by Katherine Lymn
Published March 30, 2010
TKDA is an engineering and architecture firm with ties to the U.

MnSCU faces budget cuts, tuition increases

by James Nord
Published March 29, 2010
A budget bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature reduces funding to 2006 levels.
Rhea Igao, a former U of M student, helps resident Teresa Linberb in a Roseville home on Tuesday. ACR Homes is a company that provides housing and assistance for people with physical and mental disabilities.

Company provides disability services, student jobs

by Alex Holmquist
Published March 28, 2010
ACR Homes Inc. provides residential and support services to disabled adults.

U negotiations with Met Council end, mediation to begin

by James Nord
Published March 28, 2010
The University rejected requests to begin preliminary light-rail construction on Washington Avenue.
Gophers Trip Schultz, left, Kurt Schlagen, center, and Ryan Abrahamson, right, chat before the first game at Target Field.

Golden Gophers open Target Field

by Michael Rietmulder
Published March 28, 2010
Target Field opened its doors for the first time to fans Saturday, as the University of Minnesota baseball team hosted Louisiana Tech University.

U, Met Council talks end, mediation coming

by James Nord
Published March 26, 2010
The University has rejected the Metropolitan Council's request to allow preliminary construction on Washington Avenue.

LEGO sues outreach org. over name

by James Nord
Published March 24, 2010
Project Legos was started by U alumni and faces a trademark lawsuit.

Proposed legislation could regulate body art

by Cali Owings
Published March 24, 2010
The bill would put the Minn. Dept. of Health in charge of licensing shops and technicians.

Program to educate homeowners

by Alex Holmquist
Published March 24, 2010
Workshops will teach local homeowners about energy efficiency.

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