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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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The glamorous power trio Eclecticoiffeur. Jahna Peloquin, fashion. Kelsy Osterman, hair. Di Medlock, makeup.

Chatting with Eclecticoiffeur

Published July 14, 2009
Local styling trio brings cutting-edge style to the metro fashion scene.

Hospitals’ rate of care slow in July

Published July 14, 2009
New medical interns enter hospitals across Minnesota.
Sauce Spirits & Soundbar to cater to Uptown ears, stomachs

Sauce Spirits & Soundbar to cater to Uptown ears, stomachs

Published July 14, 2009
Polished look doesn’t scream Triple Rock or Turf Club, but many merits remain

U moves closer to Central Corridor negotiations

Published July 14, 2009
A University task force will present a report to President Bob Bruininks on how to proceed.

Universal Pictures' upcoming comedy Br

‘Brüno’ ist wunderbar

Published July 14, 2009
Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest character displays the lengths he’ll go to get laughs for the desensitized
A METI iStan mannequin lies in the SimPORTAL ward of the mayo building on Friday. The METI iStan acts like a real patient with real sounds, bleeding, and even tear ducts for medical students to practice on in a less stressful situation.

Simulators prepare medical students

Published July 14, 2009
SimPORTAL lab houses preparative technology spanning the medical field.
Samantha Nelson, incoming first-year marketing student

Twin Cities models try to be ‘on top’

Published July 14, 2009
A&E hit the ‘Top Model’ tryouts to check out the nerves, the platform shoes and the potential stars

Mid-City residents seek representation

Published July 14, 2009
A neighborhood left behind looks to Southeast Como for representation.
One of Ruben Nusz’ series of tragic heroines, this time “West Side Story” star Natalie Wood.

Artist profile: Ruben Nusz

Published July 14, 2009
U graduate’s work takes on concepts of both kitsch and tragedy
Floating necklaces always mean bad news

‘Half-Blood Prince,’ not half-bad

Published July 14, 2009
The sixth installation of the Harry Potter series proves that it’s finally hit its stride.

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