Football isn't your thing. Believe me, I get it. Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to keep yourself occupied during a long game. May I present the best game within a game XLVII:
1. Drink any time Beyonce flips her hair.
2. Drink any time your group of friends collectively stands up in support or defense of their team(s).
3. Drink when you're bored.
4. Drink every time there is a beer commercial.
5. Drink every time there is cell phone commercial.
6. Drink any time one of the coaches covers his mouth with a clipboard.
7. Drink whenever you see an obviously intoxicated sports fan in the audience.
8. Take one drink for every kind of dip that is at the party.
9. Drink for every fumbled ball. Yell "BUTTERFINGERS!"
10. Drink when they dump the Gatorade on the winning coach at the end.