Gallery: Twin Cities protest after no officers charged in Breonna Taylor’s killing
Protesters rallied in opposition to the decision by Kentucky’s Attorney General to charge one officer with wanton endangerment; no homicide charges were filed.
Image by Emily Urfer
Demonstrators gather outside of the State Capitol to protest on Wednesday, Sep. 23. The protest, which began on the State Capitol mall and ended on Interstate 94, was in response to the recent decision in Louisville, Kentucky not to charge the officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s killing.
Sep 28, 2020 at 1:16 pm
When a prosecutor for the government is unable to convince a grand jury (composed of ordinary citizens from the local jurisdiction) to render an indictment against the accused — despite the howling mob calling for a lynching — it is the innocent who are being protected. You, dear little college students, might someday find yourselves being accused of a crime you did not commit, and you would thank your lucky stars that you live in a country where the Rule of Law – which incorporates the principle “innocent until proven guilty” – still exists, despite the effort by the woke elites to destroy it.
Sep 25, 2020 at 2:16 pm
Read the facts.
A Gopher
Sep 25, 2020 at 1:57 pm
Here’s an idea, maybe don’t start blasting at a bunch of armed dudes with a warrant to enter your house without knocking, even though they knocked and announced themselves. Seriously, you people can’t keep lumping every single event together with no thought whatsoever. Even with George Floyd, why are you making it a racial thing? The officers never call him a racial epithet and sure the hell wasn’t listening to a word they said. So you’ve decided it’s a racial thing solely because of the race of the officers, two of whom aren’t even white. Prejudging people’s motives by race, isn’t that racism? Doesn’t that make you little facists the truly racist people in those cluster-fudge?