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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., waves to those who came out to support Amy Klobuchar’s presidential bid on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019 at Boom Island Park in Minneapolis.

In close race, Tina Smith wins U.S. Senate seat

by Samantha Hendrickson and Tiffany Bui
Published November 4, 2020
Smith beat Lewis by about 6 percentage points, winning the state with 49.4% of the vote.
A voter waits in line to cast their ballot outside Marcy Open Elementary School on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

UMN students push canvassing efforts on Election Day

by Jasmine Snow
Published November 4, 2020
niversity of Minnesota student groups have been working on student turnout efforts for months.
Daily File Photos

Noor, Dziedzic win reelection bids

by J.D. Duggan
Published November 3, 2020
The two incumbents clear paths to keep their seats.
U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar addresses a socially-distanced crowd at a student event at the Knoll on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Ilhan Omar wins again

by Minnesota Daily News Staff
Published November 3, 2020
Omar kept her seat with nearly 65% of the vote.
Cover design of The Tower's 2020 issue.

The Tower Magazine highlights 2020 from students’ perspectives with upcoming issue

by Meg Bishop, Arts and Entertainment Reporter
Published November 3, 2020
Students have the chance to share how they see the world with The Tower magazine’s 2020 theme “catchlight.”
A socially-distanced crowd of students listens intently to an address delivered by U.S. Senator Tina Smith and U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar at the Knoll on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Smith, Omar hit campus in last-minute young voter rally

by Jasmine Snow, City Reporter
Published November 3, 2020
This year, a broad coalition of students is working to break the University of Minnesota’s 2018 voter turnout record.
A voter turns in their ballot at Marcy Open Elementary School on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Early morning voters take to University-area polls

by Minnesota Daily News Staff
Published November 3, 2020
Voters cited concern about long lines and even Republican delegitimization of mail-in ballots as reasons for showing up in person during the pandemic.
Kueppers: Finally, some answers

Kueppers: Finally, some answers

by Henry Kueppers
Published November 3, 2020
After days of soul searching, I know who is to blame for everything that has happened to humanity in 2020.
Brankin: This week is not going to be easy

Brankin: This week is not going to be easy

by Tara Brankin
Published November 3, 2020
No matter who prevails on Nov. 3, the foundation of the country is going to shake.
Dominium plans to redevelop 21 buildings located on Fort Snelling's Upper Post site into affordable housing housing at a projected cost at more than $900,000 per unit.

Ababiy: Should affordable housing be this expensive?

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 2, 2020
Should the government pay $900K a unit for affordable housing next door to an airport?

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