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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Buzz quest claims another victim

Published January 8, 1998

t got lost in a tornado! A hurricane! Floods and an earthquake! Loooocusts! God you've got to believe me!" the young customer wailed when I asked him for his ID. All this for a pint of whiskey. Funny,...

Muzerall injured in women’s hockey team’s win

by Tim Nichols
Published January 8, 1998

Minnesota completed its sweep of St. Lawrence with a 5-0 win Wednesday night at Mariucci Arena. It did come with a price, though. Nadine Muzerall was struck in the head at the 12:18 mark of the third...

Student group to change its name

by Robin Huiras
Published January 8, 1998

The Association of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Students and Their Friends voted unanimously Wednesday to change their name to the Queer Student Cultural Center. At an open house at the GLBT...

Death penalty cases flout equal treatment

Published January 8, 1998

(U-WIRE) CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- The state of Texas, known for Mesquite rodeo, male chivalry and its frequent use of capital punishment, is scheduled to execute Karla Faye Tucker on Feb. 3. Texas put to death...

BRAZIL’S assumed donors Law off to a rocky start

Published January 8, 1998

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) -- A new law presuming that Brazilians will donate their organs unless they state otherwise has sowed public confusion and appears to have dampened interest among would-be organ...

Faithful, furry friend helps patients recover

Published January 8, 1998

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) -- A new law presuming that Brazilians will donate their organs unless they state otherwise has sowed public confusion and appears to have dampened interest among would-be organ...

Net: Hello, hello -…

Published January 8, 1998

Net: Hello, hello -- and happy Elvis Day!!! Today, had he lived, Elvis would have been 63 years old (yes, he and Sonny Bono were born the same year) and undoubtedly raking in the Weight Watchers money...

U professor discovers new anti-leukemia gene

by Heather Fors
Published January 8, 1998

Dr. Catherine Verfaillie, a University associate professor of medicine, had originally gone to a sports university in Belgium to become a trainer or a physical therapist, but a knee injury during her...

Dean tours stateto support U’s budget request

by Melanie Evans
Published January 8, 1998

Bob Elde, College of Biological Sciences dean, took a slight detour Tuesday in Hibbing, Minn., for a glimpse of Bob Dylan's boyhood home. Despite the slight diversion, Elde wasn't distracted from the...

China trip focuses on education

by Sarah McKenzie
Published January 8, 1998

In preparation for his trip to the Far East, University President Mark Yudof plans to brush up on his Chinese and even print up a few of his business cards in the native language. Yudof will depart Friday...

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