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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

‘Ellen’ hype basis for greater dialogue

Published April 30, 1997

Ellen DeGeneres takes a bold step in television history tonight when her character comes out on the show "Ellen." She took an even bolder personal step two weeks ago by coming out in Time magazine. "Yep,...

Gophers get swept but stay in race for Big Ten playoffs

by Michael Rand
Published April 30, 1997

The result of the Gophers softball team's doubleheader at Wisconsin on Tuesday, particularly game one, has to make members of the squad feel jinxed. But the action at a different pair of games provided...

Ayers agrees on contract buyout from Ohio State

Published April 30, 1997

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Randy Ayers' job prospects are uncertain, but a $637,353 payment from Ohio State should ease the pain of scanning the want ads. Ayers, 124-108 in eight years before his firing on...

We can’t ignore our skin colors … yet

Published April 30, 1997

Did I know, the woman in line asked me, that non-whites are now a majority in a dozen major American cities? In a manner of speaking I did know that, or at least I didn't find it unreasonable. "I'm surprised...

Accomplished CLA deanelected to arts academy

by Joel Sawyer
Published April 30, 1997

Steven Rosenstone, dean of the University's College of Liberal Arts, was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences earlier this month for his contributions to the study of American politics. "He's...

Frightened Rwandan refugees emerge from jungle

Published April 29, 1997

BIARO, Zaire (AP) --Thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees emerged from hiding in the jungles of eastern Zaire on Monday, their hunger more powerful than their fear of the mobs that drove them from squalid...

Yudof plan shows desire for change

Published April 29, 1997

Although University President Nils Hasselmo is still in charge for a few more months, we recently caught a glimpse of the University's future under a new administration. In his first major move since being...

Study shows hormone can fight obesity

Published April 29, 1997

WASHINGTON (AP)-- Leptin, a hormone that acts in the brain to suppress appetite, also fights obesity by burning up fat within cells, researchers report. Dr. Roger H. Unger of the University of Texas Southwestern...

Margaritaville tears

Published April 29, 1997

A tableful of empty margarita glasses cluttered the speckled kitchen table. Elmo sat, puffy tear-stained cheeks propped in his hands. "I want to be alone," he said in his best Garbo imitation. Nothing...

Famed filmmaker of Mexico dead at age 89

Published April 29, 1997

MEXICO CITY (AP)-- Gabriel Figueroa, a leading cinematographer who worked with the great performers and directors of Mexico's Golden Age of Film as well as with famous U.S. artists, died on Sunday. He...

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