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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Let’s celebrate the real labor day: May Day

Published April 29, 1997

May Day is a time to celebrate the passing from winter to spring. It is also a time for working people to relax, express themselves and have fun. May Day has been a celebration of the natural rhythms of...

Buffaloes named for student

by Chanyaporn Chanjaraen
Published April 29, 1997

For most Thai people, having an animal named after one is a real insult, particularly if that animal is a water buffalo, which is often made fun of as stupid. But environmentalist Theerapat Prayurasiddhi...

Mountain bikes have fair-weather, all-weather fans

by Joseph Corbett
Published April 29, 1997

For many University students, spring prompts a transition in recreational activities. Ice skates are replaced by in-line skates and snowboards are shelved for skateboards. For a growing number of students,...

Lawsuit not child’s play, says special commissioner

Published April 29, 1997

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) -- A playground "marriage" that led to a playground "divorce" has landed two fifth-graders in domestic violence court. In an unusual use of New Mexico's Family Violence Protection...

States can’t turn away from inequality

Published April 29, 1997

I caught up with a few friends of mine the other day who attend the University of California campuses. When I asked how things were, my friend Ali echoed a common sentiment: "Things are so crazy, with...

Police seek identity of man who jumped from bridge

Published April 29, 1997

University Police responded to reports of a man jumping from the Washington Avenue Bridge at about 3:30 a.m. Saturday. University Police Sgt. Joe May said a witness reported seeing a man of medium height...

U chef manager aids flood relief

by Jennifer Niemela
Published April 29, 1997

Despite the University's reputation for bureaucratic nightmares, it took only four days for University Chef Manager Steve Bouley's flood-relief idea to become two truckloads of charitable action. Bouley...

Still opposed, steam plant plan advances

by Lynne Kozarek
Published April 29, 1997

Despite continued wrangling with the city council and state lawmakers, the University continues its plans to renovate the Southeast Steam Plant. Foster Wheeler Twin Cities Inc., the construction firm...

Future Farmers emphasize leadership

by Douglas Rojas
Published April 29, 1997

About 3,000 blue jackets invaded the University on Monday. High school students from across Minnesota are attending the 68th Minnesota State Future Farmers of America convention, hosted in the Earle Brown...

Center helps small businesses

by Joe Carlson
Published April 29, 1997

Students of Marshall University High probably never dreamed that one day the room they struggled to stay awake in for classes would be the home of more than 100 local businesses, including a few massage...

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