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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Newsflash: It’s wintertime in Minnesota

by By Mike
Published January 16, 1997

There were two plane crashes, the Legislature was starting up, two people were murdered and two were killed in accidents, one involving a busload of kids. But what do you suppose led the Twin Cities news...

Legislators have few questions

Published January 16, 1997

Tenure was on the minds of members of the House Higher Education Finance Division on Wednesday as University President Nils Hasselmo stumped for more federal funds. The legislators were impressed with...

Denial denied

Published January 16, 1997

Elmo opened his email and read the dear jane reply. Is there a right way to creatively rearrange another's soul? No longer feeling guilty or anything at all he wrote today's low will be -18 with a high...

Israeli, Palestinian cabinets approve Hebron agreement

Published January 16, 1997

JERUSALEM (AP) -- A bitterly divided Israeli Cabinet agreed Wednesday to withdraw troops from most of Hebron and rural West Bank areas, approving an accord that some of Benjamin Netanyahu's own hard-line...

UMD professors appeal case once again

by Andrew Tellijohn
Published January 16, 1997

For the second time, two University of Minnesota -- Duluth professors are taking their First Amendment lawsuit to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, hoping to overturn a ruling which they maintain...

Graduate students talk about options

by Tom Lopez
Published January 16, 1997

The second graduate student organization in a week discussed its opinions on important policy and administrative decisions that will affect their constituents directly. The Council of Graduate Students...

Law program puts students to work behind bars

by Lynne Kozarek
Published January 16, 1997

Michelle Jacobson makes a habit of holding meetings in the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater visitation room. "I was a little nervous at first," Jacobson said. "The system of gates that you have...

Wellstone to address campaign finance reform

by Chris Vetter
Published January 16, 1997

Sen. Paul Wellstone weathered an intense barrage of attack ads to win reelection to his seat, and now he's hoping to build public support for making the attack campaigns harder to fund. Wellstone and...

Pohlad’s ballpark plan is a good start

Published January 16, 1997

Twins owner Carl Pohlad last week opened the ante in his bid for state funds to build his team a new outdoor ballpark in downtown Minneapolis. Keeping in line with the good faith the Twins have maintained...

Parachute technology at all-time high

by Patrick Casey
Published January 16, 1997

Using a supercomputer one thousand times faster than a personal computer, researchers at the University are trying to create the perfect parachute drop. Researchers from the University's Department of...

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