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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Union drive may not stop for years

by Jennifer Niemela
Published January 16, 1997

If the faculty does not vote in favor of a union in February, they can expect another union drive in a few years. The current unionization attempt is the third in two decades. The first two attempts,...

Newsflash: It’s wintertime in Minnesota

by By Mike
Published January 16, 1997

There were two plane crashes, the Legislature was starting up, two people were murdered and two were killed in accidents, one involving a busload of kids. But what do you suppose led the Twin Cities news...

Legislators have few questions

Published January 16, 1997

Tenure was on the minds of members of the House Higher Education Finance Division on Wednesday as University President Nils Hasselmo stumped for more federal funds. The legislators were impressed with...

Denial denied

Published January 16, 1997

Elmo opened his email and read the dear jane reply. Is there a right way to creatively rearrange another's soul? No longer feeling guilty or anything at all he wrote today's low will be -18 with a high...

MSA to request increase in funds

by Tracy Ellingson
Published January 15, 1997

The Minnesota Student Association voted Tuesday to ask the Student Services Fees Committee for more money in the 1997-98 school year. If the committee grants the group's request for a 13 percent increase...

Illinois deals U buzz kill

by Todd Zolecki
Published January 15, 1997

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Minnesota point guard Eric Harris described it as a sting. That's exactly what a 96-90 loss to Illinois on the road feels like -- a sharp pain. It feels worse when the Gophers men's...

It’s no longer foreign to study abroad

by Kamariea Forcier
Published January 15, 1997

If University students don't like the idea of four more months of winter in Minnesota, one office on campus is encouraging them to leave. But only temporarily -- to study abroad. According to a recent...

Judge: jury pool is racially balanced

by Jim Martyka
Published January 15, 1997

A judge ruled Tuesday that the pool of possible jurors for the murder trial of Louis Cardona "Butch" Buggs adequately represents blacks and is not prejudiced, striking down a defense motion made Monday. "The...

Public art can draw attention

by Joe Carlson
Published January 15, 1997

"The big silver thing by the bookstore" is both a common reference point for East Bank pedestrians, and one of several examples of public art on campus. The true purpose of public art is debatable, some...

Police respond to football fans’ scuffle

by Jim Martyka
Published January 15, 1997

As the National Football League's best teams battled each other in the playoffs over the weekend, emotions ran high for at least two Minnesota Vikings fans. Two men were charged with assault Friday night...

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